Module kubewarden_policy_sdk::logging

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This module provides a way to propagate log events from a kubewarden policy to the host runtime.

The logging infrastructure relies on the popular slog crate. slog allows both structured and unstructured logging.


Nothing special has to be done compared to using slog inside of a regular Rust project.

All the logs are sent to a slog::Logger. The logger then relies on a slog::Drain to manipulate and dispatch them. For Kubewarden policies, the drain must be an instance of KubewardenDrain.

Log events can be generated using the macros provided by the slog::log module.


This code snippet can be placed inside of the validate function of a Kubewarden policy:

use kubewarden_policy_sdk::{logging, accept_request};
use slog::{Drain, Logger, o, info};

fn validate(payload: &[u8]) -> wapc_guest::CallResult {
  let drain = logging::KubewardenDrain::new().fuse();
  let log = Logger::root(drain, o!("logger_key1" => "logger_value1"));
  info!(log, "just a message");
  info!(log, "{} at work", "interpolation");
  info!(log, "structured log"; "string_val" => "string", "number" => 42, "enabled" => true);

  // policy evaluation goes on...
