Module kubert::client

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Available on crate feature client only.
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Utilities for configuring a kube_client::Client from the command line


  • API helpers for structured interaction with the Kubernetes API
  • A basic API client for interacting with the Kubernetes API
  • Kubernetes configuration objects from ~/.kube/config, $KUBECONFIG, or the cluster environment.
  • Crate with types and traits necessary for interacting with the Kubernetes API
  • High-level utilities for runtime API discovery.
  • Error handling in kube


  • The generic Api abstraction
  • Client for connecting with a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Configures a Kubernetes client
  • Configuration object detailing things like cluster URL, default namespace, root certificates, and timeouts.
  • A caching client for running API discovery against the Kubernetes API.


  • Indicates an error occurred while configuring the Kubernetes client
  • Possible errors when working with kube


Type Aliases§

  • Convient alias for Result<T, Error>