Available on crate feature client only.
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Utilities for configuring a kube_client::Client from the command line


API helpers for structured interaction with the Kubernetes API

A basic API client for interacting with the Kubernetes API

Kubernetes configuration objects from ~/.kube/config, $KUBECONFIG, or the cluster environment.

Crate with types and traits necessary for interacting with the Kubernetes API

High-level utilities for runtime API discovery.

Error handling in kube


The generic Api abstraction

Client for connecting with a Kubernetes cluster.

Configures a Kubernetes client

Configuration object detailing things like cluster URL, default namespace, root certificates, and timeouts.

A caching client for running API discovery against the Kubernetes API.


Indicates an error occurred while configuring the Kubernetes client

Possible errors when working with kube


Extension trait that is implemented by kube-derive

An accessor trait for a kubernetes Resource.

Helper methods for resources.

Type Definitions

Convient alias for Result<T, Error>