Crate kubert

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Utilities for Kubernetes controllers built on kube

Crate Features

What functionality is provided by kubert is controlled by a number of Cargo features. All feature flags are disabled by default, so in order to use the crate, the user must enable one or more feature flags. The following feature flags are available:

Module Features

These features control which of kubert’s modules are enabled.

  • admin: Enabled the admin module.
  • client: Enables the client module.
  • errors: Enables the errors module.
  • index: Enables the index module.
  • initialized: Enables the initialized module.
  • lease: Enables the lease module.
  • log: Enables the log module.
  • requeue: Enables the requeue module.
  • runtime: Enables the runtime module. Enabling this feature flag also enables the admin, client, initialized, and log features.
  • server: Enables the server module, and server-related functionality in the runtime module (if the runtime feature is also enabled).
  • shutdown: Enables the shutdown module.

Optional Dependencies

These features enable optional dependencies on other crates.

  • clap: Enables support for command-line argument parsing using clap. When this feature is enabled, implementations of the clap::Parser trait are enabled for the [AdminArgs], ClientArgs, and ServerArgs types, allowing them to be parsed from command-line arguments.

TLS Features

These feature flags determine which TLS implementation is used by kubert’s client and server modules. If neither feature is enabled, kubert’s client module will use whatever TLS implementation is provided by the kube-client crate’s feature flags, and kubert’s server module will panic when starting the server.

  • rustls-tls: Use rustls as the TLS implementation.
  • openssl-tls: Use OpenSSL (via the openssl crate) as the TLS implementation. This feature takes priority over the rustls-tls feature flag. If both are enabled, OpenSSL will be used instead of Rustls.

If the client feature flag is enabled, these features will also enable the corresponding feature flags on the kube-client crate, to configure which TLS implementation is used by the underlying Kubernetes API client.



  • adminadmin
    Admin server utilities.
  • clientclient
    Utilities for configuring a kube_client::Client from the command line
  • errorserrors
    Utilities for handling errors
  • indexindex
    Utilities for maintaining a shared index derived from Kubernetes resources.
  • initializedinitialized
    A utility for waiting for components to be initialized.
  • leaselease
    A distributed, advisory lock implementation for Kubernetes
  • loglog
    Configures the global default tracing subscriber
  • requeuerequeue
    A bounded, delayed, multi-producer, single-consumer queue for deferring work in response to scheduler updates.
  • runtimeruntime
    A controller runtime
  • serverserver
    Helpers for configuring and running an HTTPS server, especially for admission controllers and API extensions
  • shutdownshutdown
    Drives graceful shutdown when the process receives a signal.
