Module kube::config[][src]

This is supported on crate feature config only.
Expand description

Kubernetes configuration objects from ~/.kube/config or in cluster environment.

Used to populate Config that is ultimately used to construct a Client.

Unless you have issues, prefer using Config::infer and pass it to a Client.


AuthInfo stores information to tell cluster who you are.

AuthProviderConfig stores auth for specified cloud provider.

Cluster stores information to connect Kubernetes cluster.

Configuration object detailing things like cluster URL, default namespace, root certificates, and timeouts.

Context stores tuple of cluster and user information.

ExecConfig stores credential-plugin configuration.

KubeConfigOptions stores options used when loading kubeconfig file.

Kubeconfig represents information on how to connect to a remote Kubernetes cluster

NamedAuthInfo associates name with authentication.

NamedCluster associates name with cluster.

NamedContext associates name with context.

NamedExtention associates name with extension.

Preferences stores extensions for cli.