initSidebarItems({"enum":[["MouseButton",""],["TextureError","Wraps together all errors that can occur creating `Texture`s"],["VirtualKeyCode",""]],"fn":[["run_until_closed","Runs the game until the window is closed"]],"macro":[["include_texture!","Loads a texture, by loading the bytes at compile-time"],["is_down!","Macro for easily doing things if particular keys are down # Example"]],"mod":[["easy","Module with a struct that should make it easy to create a simple game."]],"struct":[["Drawer","Provides functionality for drawing."],["FrameInfo","Wraps together useful data about what has happened (e.g. events)"],["GameUpdate","This is returned each frame from an object implementing `Game`."],["Graphics","Contains the display and handles most of the graphics"],["Quad","A simple rectangle that can be drawn on the screen"],["QuadDrawer","Object for drawing polygons to the screen using the builder pattern"],["Texture","A 2D texture that is ready to be drawn"],["TextureDrawer","Object for drawing textures to the screen using the builder pattern"],["Vector2","Representation of a mathematical vector e.g. a position or velocity"]],"trait":[["Game","Methods `run_until_closed()` will call"]],"type":[["TextureResult","Result type for `korome::TextureError`"]]});