Crate kodama

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This crate provides a fast implementation of agglomerative hierarchical clustering.

The ideas and implementation in this crate are heavily based on the work of Daniel Müllner, and in particular, his 2011 paper, Modern hierarchical, agglomerative clustering algorithms. Parts of the implementation have also been inspired by his C++ library, fastcluster. Müllner’s work, in turn, is based on the hierarchical clustering facilities provided by MATLAB and SciPy.

The runtime performance of this library is on par with Müllner’s fastcluster implementation.


The most important parts of this crate are as follows:

  • linkage performs hierarchical clustering on a pairwise dissimilarity matrix.
  • Method determines the linkage criteria.
  • Dendrogram is a representation of a “stepwise” dendrogram, which serves as the output of hierarchical clustering.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

kodama = "0.3"

and this to your crate root:

extern crate kodama;


Showing an example is tricky, because it’s hard to motivate the use of hierarchical clustering on small data sets, and especially hard without domain specific details that suggest a hierarchical clustering may actually be useful.

Instead of solving the hard problem of motivating a real use case, let’s take a look at a toy use case: a hierarchical clustering of a small number of geographic points. We’ll measure the distance (by way of the crow) between these points using latitude/longitude coordinates with the Haversine formula.

We’ll use a small collection of municipalities from central Massachusetts in our example. Here’s the data:

Index    Municipality    Latitude      Longitude
0        Fitchburg       42.5833333    -71.8027778
1        Framingham      42.2791667    -71.4166667
2        Marlborough     42.3458333    -71.5527778
3        Northbridge     42.1513889    -71.6500000
4        Southborough    42.3055556    -71.5250000
5        Westborough     42.2694444    -71.6166667

Each municipality in our data represents a single observation, and we’d like to create a hierarchical clustering of them using linkage. The input to linkage is a condensed pairwise dissimilarity matrix. This matrix stores the dissimilarity between all pairs of observations. The “condensed” aspect of it means that it only stores the upper triangle (not including the diagonal) of the matrix. We can do this because hierarchical clustering requires that our dissimilarities between observations are reflexive. That is, the dissimilarity between A and B is the same as the dissimilarity between B and A. This is certainly true in our case with the Haversine formula.

So let’s compute all of the pairwise dissimilarities and create our condensed pairwise matrix:

// See:
fn haversine((lat1, lon1): (f64, f64), (lat2, lon2): (f64, f64)) -> f64 {
    const EARTH_RADIUS: f64 = 3958.756; // miles

    let (lat1, lon1) = (lat1.to_radians(), lon1.to_radians());
    let (lat2, lon2) = (lat2.to_radians(), lon2.to_radians());

    let delta_lat = lat2 - lat1;
    let delta_lon = lon2 - lon1;
    let x =
        (delta_lat / 2.0).sin().powi(2)
        + lat1.cos() * lat2.cos() * (delta_lon / 2.0).sin().powi(2);
    2.0 * EARTH_RADIUS * x.sqrt().atan()

// From our data set. Each coordinate pair corresponds to a single observation.
let coordinates = vec![
    (42.5833333, -71.8027778),
    (42.2791667, -71.4166667),
    (42.3458333, -71.5527778),
    (42.1513889, -71.6500000),
    (42.3055556, -71.5250000),
    (42.2694444, -71.6166667),

// Build our condensed matrix by computing the dissimilarity between all
// possible coordinate pairs.
let mut condensed = vec![];
for row in 0..coordinates.len() - 1 {
    for col in row + 1..coordinates.len() {
        condensed.push(haversine(coordinates[row], coordinates[col]));
// The length of a condensed dissimilarity matrix is always equal to
// `N-choose-2`, where `N` is the number of observations.
assert_eq!(condensed.len(), (coordinates.len() * (coordinates.len() - 1)) / 2);

Now that we have our condensed dissimilarity matrix, all we need to do is choose our linkage criterion. The linkage criterion refers to the formula that is used during hierarchical clustering to compute the dissimilarity between newly formed clusters and all other clusters. This crate provides several choices, and the choice one makes depends both on the problem you’re trying to solve and your performance requirements. For example, “single” linkage corresponds to using the minimum dissimilarity between all pairs of observations between two clusters as the dissimilarity between those two clusters. It turns out that doing single linkage hierarchical clustering has a rough isomorphism to computing the minimum spanning tree, which means the implementation can be quite fast (O(n^2), to be precise). However, other linkage criteria require more general purpose algorithms with higher constant factors or even worse time complexity. For example, using median linkage has worst case O(n^3) complexity, although it is often n^2 in practice.

In this case, we’ll choose average linkage (which is O(n^2)). With that decision made, we can finally run linkage:

use kodama::{Method, linkage};

let dend = linkage(&mut condensed, coordinates.len(), Method::Average);
// The dendrogram always has `N - 1` steps, where each step corresponds to a
// newly formed cluster by merging two previous clusters. The last step creates
// a cluster that contains all observations.
assert_eq!(dend.len(), coordinates.len() - 1);

The output of linkage is a stepwise Dendrogram. Each step corresponds to a merge between two previous clusters. Each step is represented by a 4-tuple: a pair of cluster labels, the dissimilarity between the two clusters that have been merged and the total number of observations in the newly formed cluster. Here’s what our dendrogram looks like:

cluster1   cluster2   dissimilarity        size
2          4          3.1237967760688776   2
5          6          5.757158112027513    3
1          7          8.1392602685723      4
3          8          12.483148228609206   5
0          9          25.589444117482433   6

Another way to look at a dendrogram is to visualize it (the following image was created with matplotlib):

dendrogram of Massachusetts municipalities

If you’re familiar with the central Massachusetts region, then this dendrogram is probably incredibly boring. But if you’re not, then this visualization immediately tells you which municipalities are closest to each other. For example, you can tell right away that Fitchburg is quite far from any other municipality!


The testing in this crate is made up of unit tests on internal data structures and quickcheck properties that check the consistency between the various clustering algorithms. That is, quickcheck is used to test that, given the same inputs, the mst, nnchain, generic and primitive implementations all return the same output.

There are some caveats to this testing strategy:

  1. Only the generic and primitive implementations support all linkage criteria, which means some linkage criteria have worse test coverage.
  2. Principally, this testing strategy assumes that at least one of the implementations is correct.
  3. The various implementations do not specify how ties are handled, which occurs whenever the same dissimilarity value appears two or more times for distinct pairs of observations. That means there are multiple correct dendrograms depending on the input. This case is not tested, and instead, all input matrices are forced to contain distinct dissimilarity values.
  4. The output of both Müllner’s and SciPy’s implementations of hierarchical clustering has been hand-checked with the output of this crate. It would be better to test this automatically, but the scaffolding has not been built.

Obviously, this is not ideal and there is a lot of room for improvement!


A step-wise dendrogram that represents a hierarchical clustering as a binary tree.
Mutable scratch space used by the linkage algorithms.
A single merge step in a dendrogram.


An error.
A method for computing the dissimilarities between clusters.
A method for computing dissimilarities between clusters in the nnchain linkage algorithm.


A trait for writing generic code over floating point numbers.


Perform hierarchical clustering using Müllner’s “generic” algorithm.
Like generic, but amortizes allocation.
Return a hierarchical clustering of observations given their pairwise dissimilarities.
Like linkage, but amortizes allocation.
Perform hierarchical clustering using the minimum spanning tree algorithm as described in Müllner’s paper.
Like mst, but amortizes allocation.
Perform hierarchical clustering using the “nearest neighbor chain” algorithm as described in Müllner’s paper.
Like nnchain, but amortizes allocation.
Perform hierarchical clustering using the “primitive” algorithm as described in Müllner’s paper.
Like primitive, but amortizes allocation.

Type Definitions

A type alias for Result<T, Error>.