Expand description

Types and Traits for writing tx2 adapters.


Opaque identifier, allows Eq/Hash through trait-object types.


The directionality of this connection. Did we establish it? Was it an incoming connection?


Tx bind adapter represents the ability to bind local endpoints.

Tx backend adapter represents an open connection to a remote.

Tx backend adapter for incoming Con instances.

Tx backend adapter represents a bound local endpoint.

Tx backend adapter for incoming InChan instances.

Type Definitions

Tx backend endpoint binding factory type.

A tx backend Con is both the ability to make outgoing channels, but also to receive incoming channels.

Tx backend future resolves to a Con instance.

A tx backend Endpoint is both the ability to make outgoing connections, but also to receive incoming connections.

Tx backend future resolves to an Endpoint instance.

Tx backend read stream type.

Tx backend future resolves to InChan instance.

Tx backend write stream type.

Tx backend future resolves to OutChan type.