Constant kiro_editor::HELP[][src]

pub const HELP: &str = "\
    Ctrl-Q                        : Quit
    Ctrl-S                        : Save to file
    Ctrl-O                        : Open text buffer
    Ctrl-X                        : Next text buffer
    Alt-X                         : Previous text buffer
    Ctrl-P or UP                  : Move cursor up
    Ctrl-N or DOWN                : Move cursor down
    Ctrl-F or RIGHT               : Move cursor right
    Ctrl-B or LEFT                : Move cursor left
    Ctrl-A or Alt-LEFT or HOME    : Move cursor to head of line
    Ctrl-E or Alt-RIGHT or END    : Move cursor to end of line
    Ctrl-[ or Ctrl-V or PAGE DOWN : Next page
    Ctrl-] or Alt-V or PAGE UP    : Previous page
    Alt-F or Ctrl-RIGHT           : Move cursor to next word
    Alt-B or Ctrl-LEFT            : Move cursor to previous word
    Alt-N or Ctrl-DOWN            : Move cursor to next paragraph
    Alt-P or Ctrl-UP              : Move cursor to previous paragraph
    Alt-<                         : Move cursor to top of file
    Alt->                         : Move cursor to bottom of file
    Ctrl-H or BACKSPACE           : Delete character
    Ctrl-D or DELETE              : Delete next character
    Ctrl-W                        : Delete a word
    Ctrl-J                        : Delete until head of line
    Ctrl-K                        : Delete until end of line
    Ctrl-U                        : Undo last change
    Ctrl-R                        : Redo last undo change
    Ctrl-G                        : Search text
    Ctrl-M                        : New line
    Ctrl-L                        : Refresh screen
    Ctrl-?                        : Show this help";