Crate kinded

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Generate Rust enum kind types without boilerplate.

Get Started

use kinded::Kinded;

enum Drink {
    Tea { variety: String, caffeine: bool }

let drink = Drink::Coffee("Espresso".to_owned());
assert_eq!(drink.kind(), DrinkKind::Coffee);

Note, the definition of DrinkKind enum is generated automatically as well as Drink::kind() method. To put it simply you get something similar to the following:

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum DrinkKind {

impl Drink {
    fn kind(&self) -> DrinkKind {
        Drink::Mate => DrinkKind::Mate,
        Drink::Coffee(..) => DrinkKind::Coffee,
        Drink::Tea { .. } => DrinkKind::Tea,

# Kinded trait

The library provides `Kinded` trait:

pub trait Kinded {
    type Kind: PartialEq + Eq + Debug + Clone + Copy;

    fn kind(&self) -> Self::Kind;

From the example above, the derived implementation of Kinded for Drink resembles the following:

impl Kinded for Drink {
    type Kind = DrinkKind;

    fn kind(&self) -> DrinkKind { /* implementation */ }

The Kinded trait allows to build abstract functions that can be used with different enum types.

Get all kind variants

The kind type gets implementation of ::all() associated function, which returns a vector with all kind variants:

use kinded::Kinded;

enum Drink {
    Tea { variety: String, caffeine: bool }

assert_eq!(DrinkKind::all(), [DrinkKind::Mate, DrinkKind::Coffee, DrinkKind::Tea]);


Custom kind type name

By default the kind type name is generated by adding postfix Kind to the original enum name. This can be customized with kind = attribute:

use kinded::Kinded;

#[kinded(kind = SimpleDrink)]
enum Drink {
    Tea { variety: String, caffeine: bool }

assert_eq!(Drink::Mate.kind(), SimpleDrink::Mate);

Derive traits

By default the kind type implements the following traits: Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, From<T>, From<&T>.

Extra traits can be derived with derive(..) attribute:

use kinded::Kinded;
use std::collections::HashSet;

enum Drink {
    Tea { variety: String, caffeine: bool }

let mut drink_kinds = HashSet::new();

Customize Display trait

Implementation of Display trait can be customized in the serde fashion:

use kinded::Kinded;

#[kinded(display = "snake_case")]
enum Drink {
    Milk { fat: f64 },

let tea = DrinkKind::VeryHotBlackTea;
assert_eq!(tea.to_string(), "very_hot_black_tea");

FromStr trait

The kind type implements FromStr trait. The implementation tries it’s best to parse, checking all the possible cases mentioned above.

use kinded::Kinded;

#[kinded(display = "snake_case")]
enum Drink {
    Milk { fat: f64 },



The possible values are "snake_case", "camelCase", "PascalCase", "SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE", "kebab-case", "SCREAMING-KEBAB-CASE", "Title Case", "lowercase", "UPPERCASE".

A note about the war in Ukraine 🇺🇦

Today I live in Berlin, I have the luxury to live a physically safe life. But I am Ukrainian. The first 25 years of my life I spent in Kharkiv, the second-largest city in Ukraine, 60km away from the border with russia. Today about a third of my home city is destroyed by russians. My parents, my relatives and my friends had to survive the artillery and air attack, living for over a month in basements.

Some of them have managed to evacuate to EU. Some others are trying to live “normal lifes” in Kharkiv, doing there daily duties. And some are at the front line right now, risking their lives every second to protect the rest.

I encourage you to donate to Charity foundation of Serhiy Prytula. Just pick the project you like and donate. This is one of the best-known foundations, you can watch a little documentary about it. Your contribution to the Ukrainian military force is a contribution to my calmness, so I can spend more time developing the project.

Thank you.


MIT © Serhii Potapov


  • An error which is returned when parsing of a kind type failures.


  • A trait that can be implemented by a main enum type. Typically should be derived with #[derive(kinded::Kinded)].

Derive Macros