Crate kewb

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A crate for manipulating and solving the 3x3 Rubik’s cube with Kociemba’s two phase algorithm.


  • Module containing 3x3 cube constants.
  • Module containing table read and write operations.
  • Module containing functions for generating states on the cubie level.
  • Module for translating permutations and orientations into the two phase algorithm coordinate.
  • Module for generating moves table.
  • Module for generating pruning table.
  • Module containing functions for scrambling the cube.


  • Cube on the cubie level.
  • Contains the move and prunning table used by the two-phase algorithm
  • Cube on the facelet level. The facelet representation follows the ordering: U-R-F-D-L-B. A solved facelet is UUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRFFFFFFFFFDDDDDDDDDLLLLLLLLLBBBBBBBBB.
  • Two phase solution.
  • Two phase solver.


  • Names the colors of the cube facelets: up, right, face, down, left, back.
  • Layer moves, Up, Down, Right, Left, Face, Back. $ clockwise, $2 double, $3 counter-clockwise.