initSidebarItems({"macro":[["foreign_type_conversions!","Generates conversion trait implementations for the given type."],["ketos_fn!","Creates a foreign function that implicitly converts input arguments into Rust values and converts its result into a `ketos` value."]],"mod":[["bytecode","Implements encoding and decoding of bytecode instruction format."],["compile","Compiles expressions into bytecode objects."],["encode","Implements encoding and decoding of compiled bytecode file format."],["error","Contains consolidated `Error` type."],["exec","Implements a virtual machine which interprets bytecode functions."],["function","Contains implementations of core system functions."],["integer","Arbitrary precision integer and ratio types."],["interpreter","Provides a context in which to compile and execute code."],["io","Creates an abstraction layer to I/O operations"],["lexer","Produces tokens from an input stream."],["module","Implements loading named values from code modules."],["name","Implements name interning and containers using names as keys."],["parser","Parses a series of `lexer` tokens into a code expression."],["pretty","Facilities for pretty-printing `Value`s."],["rc_vec","Implements a reference-counted `Vec` supporting efficient subslicing."],["restrict","Configuration of runtime execution restrictions"],["run","Provides a facility for running code within an existing scope."],["scope","Contains values associated with names in a given execution context."],["string_fmt","Implements string formatting syntax."],["trace","Provides facilities for expressing and storing tracebacks."],["value","Represents any possible value type."],["value_decode","Implements decoding Rust values from `Value` instances."],["value_encode","Implements encoding Rust values into `Value` instances."]]});