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Gameloop and GameControl context, which is used to control the game globally


Main context, for controlling the game while it is running. You don’t normally need to create this yourself as Gameloop::new() does this for you, but it can be useful to create this directly if you need to run automated tests.

Properties and metadata for this game

Contains timing statistics such as FPS and milliseconds taken for each part of the gameloop.

Holds the main game context and performs event handling and timekeeping automatically. One of the first structs you will instantiate in your program.

(Advanced) Provides basic diagnostic timekeeping facilities


The framerate cap to use for when frame interpolation is enabled

Whether to use frame interpolation, which results in cleaner motion on high refresh rate displays for games that support it

Whether to space out display frames for smoother motion when the framerate is higher than the target rate and there is significant logic processing.


Trait for a struct that stores data global to the game - i.e. presists between scene switches, and is accessible using GameControl::singleton_mut().


Displays a message popup in the GUI and prints the message to the console