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This crate contains parsers and other low-level helper types for handling KDL documents. It is a complete but highly skeletal KDL implementation, suitable for use by KDL crate authors to provide higher level access to KDL data. Unless you’re working on a KDL implementation, you should probably not be using this crate.


Parsers and types related to annotations, which are optional string tags that can precede nodes and values. Usually used for type hinting, especially in dynamic languages.

A system for parsing entire nodes and node lists. Unlike the rest of kaydle-primitives, this module doesn’t expose ordinary nom parsers and container types. Instead, because it’s designed specifically to support the implementation of a serde deserializer, it exposes a set of “processors”, which can be used to fetch nodes or the contents of nodes step-by-step.

Parsers and utility types for parsing KDL numbers. While KDL doesn’t distinguish between floats and integers, or signed and unsigned numbers, this module uses some simple logic to detect different integer types, to aid with deserialization.

Parser and container type for KDL properties. A property is a key-value pair, where a key is a KDL identifier and a value is a (possibly annotated) KDL value, separated by =.

Parsers and utility types for parsing KDL strings and identifiers.

Parsers and utility types related to parsing primitive values. Values can be null, true, false, a number, or a string.

Various whitespace parsers. We never care about the contents of whitespace so they always return ()


Parse a true or false

Parse the string null