Module kas::text[][src]

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Text functionality

Most of this module is simply a re-export of the KAS Text API, hence the lower level of integration than other parts of the library. The util module is an extension providing some integration.


Font selection and loading

Parsers for formatted text

Support for rastering glyphs

Utilities integrating kas-text functionality


An accelerator key string

Scale factor: pixels per font unit

Effect formatting marker

Text effects

Environment flags

Environment in which text is prepared for display

A positioned glyph

A type-safe wrapper for glyph ID.

Used to return the position of a glyph with associated metrics

An iterator over a Vec which clones elements

Range type

Text-selection logic

Text, prepared for display in a given enviroment

Text display, without source text representation

Helper to modify an environment

2D vector (position/size/offset) over f32


Describes required text-preparation actions

Alignment of contents

Directionality of environment


Trait over a sub-set of Text functionality for editable text

Trait over a sub-set of Text functionality

Extension trait over TextApi