[][src]Module kas::macros

Library macros

This module provides three important macros:

  • derive(Widget) implements the Widget trait (including super-traits like Core and optionally Handler); this exists partly as a convenience, but mostly because details of the Widget trait family are not part of the public API, preventing manual implementation.
  • make_widget is a convenience macro to create a single instance of a custom widget type
  • derive(NoResponse) is a convenience macro to implement From<NoResponse> for the deriving enum

Note that these macros are defined in the external crate, kas-macros, only because procedural macros must be defined in a special crate. The kas-macros crate should not be used directly.

Note further that these macros require gated functionality only available in nightly rustc builds:


The derive(Widget) macro

The Widget trait requires multiple base traits to be implemented: Core and Layout. These base traits should be considered implementation details and not used directly; this macro therefore implements both base traits and Widget directly.

Additionally, widgets are usually required to implement the Handler trait. If (and only if) the deriving struct is marked with a #[handler] attribute, the Handler trait will also be implemented. Note that it is also possible to implement this trait manually.

Type attributes

This derive attribute may only be used on structs. This struct must have a #[widget] attribute and may have a #[handler] attribute, as follows.

#[widget(class = Class::X, ...)]
#[handler(response = ...)]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Widget)]
struct MyWidget {

The #[widget] attribute on the struct supports the following arguments:

  • class = ... (required) — an expression yielding the widget's Class
  • layout = ... (optional) — see below

Widgets with no children or only a single child do not need to specify the layout (or may specify single), but those with multiple children must specify this arguments, as follows:

  • single — single child only
  • horizontal — widgets are laid out in a row from left to right in the order specified
  • vertical — same except top-to-bottom
  • grid — widgets are placed on a grid, with position specified by the per-field #[widget] attribute

If there is a #[handler] attribute on the struct, then the Handler trait will be implemented. This attribute expects the following arguments:

  • response = ... — the Handler::Response associated type
  • generics = < X, Y, ... > where CONDS — see below

Commonly the Handler implementation requires extra bounds on generic types, and sometimes also additional type parameters; the generics argument allows this. This argument is optional and if present must be the last argument. Note that the generic types and bounds given are added to the generics defined on the struct itself.


One struct field must be marked with #[core] and implement the Core trait; usually this field has the specification #[core] core: CoreData.

A #[widget] attribute is used to denote fields as child widgets. This attribute accepts the following optional arguments, for use with grid layouts and for handlers:

  • col = ... — grid column, from left (defaults to 0)
  • row = ... — grid row, from top (defaults to 0)
  • cspan = ... — number of columns to span (defaults to 1)
  • rspan = ... — number of rows to span (defaults to 1)
  • handler = ... — the name (f) of a method defined on this type which handles a message from the child (type M) and converts it to the appropriate response type for this widget (R); this method should have signature fn f(&mut self, tk: &TkWidget, msg: M) -> R.


A short example, without an implementation for Handler (which could still be implemented separately):

use kas::{Widget, Class, CoreData};
use kas::macros::Widget;
#[widget(class = Class::Window, layout = single)]
#[derive(Debug, Widget)]
struct MyWidget<W: Widget> {
    #[core] core: CoreData,
    #[widget] child: W,

A longer example, including derivation of the Handler trait:

use kas::{Widget, Class, CoreData, TkWidget};
use kas::event::{Handler, err_unhandled};
use kas::macros::{Widget, NoResponse};
#[derive(Debug, NoResponse)]
enum ChildMessage { None }
enum MyMessage { None }
#[widget(class = Class::Container)]
#[handler(response = MyMessage,
        generics = <> where W: Handler<Response = ChildMessage>)]
#[derive(Debug, Widget)]
struct MyWidget<W: Widget> {
    #[core] core: CoreData,
    #[widget(handler = handler)] child: W,
impl<W: Widget> MyWidget<W> {
    fn handler(&mut self, tk: &TkWidget, msg: ChildMessage) -> MyMessage {
        // handle msg and respond somehow

The make_widget macro

This macro supports widgets of the following classes:

  • Container
  • Frame

This exists purely to save you some typing. You could instead make your own struct, derive Widget (with attributes to enable Core, Layout and Widget implementation), manually implement event::Handler, and instantiate an object.

Syntax should match the following Backus-Naur Form:

<input>     ::= <class> "=>" <response> ";" <fields> ";" <funcs>
<class>     ::= "container" "(" <layout> ")" | "frame"
<layout>    ::= "single" | "horizontal" | "vertical" | "grid"
<response>  ::= <type>
<fields>    ::= "" | <field> | <field> "," <fields>
<field>     ::= <w_attr> <opt_ident> <field_ty> = <expr>
<opt_ident> ::= "_" | <ident>
<field_ty>  ::= "" | ":" <type> | ":" impl <bound> | "->" <type> | ":" impl <bound> "->" <type>
<w_attr>    ::= "" | "#" "[" <widget> <w_params> "]"
<w_params>  ::= "" | "(" <w_args> ")"
<w_args>    ::= <w_arg> | <w_arg> "," <w_args>
<w_arg>     ::= <pos_arg> "=" <lit> | "handler" = <ident>
<pos_arg>   ::= "col" | "row" | "cspan" | "rspan"
<funcs>     ::= "" | <func> <funcs>

where <type> is a type expression, <expr> is a (value) expression, <ident> is an identifier, <lit> is a literal, <path> is a path, <bound> is a trait object bound, and <func> is a Rust method definition. "" is the empty string (i.e. nothing).

The effect of this macro is to create an anonymous struct with the above fields (plus an implicit core), implement Core, Layout, Widget and Handler (with the specified <response> type), implement the additional <funcs> listed on this type, then construct and return an instance using the given value expressions to initialise each field.

Each field is considered a child widget if the #[widget] attribute is present, or a simple data field otherwise. The specification of this attribute is identical to that used when deriving Widget.

The layout specifier should be self-explanatory, with the exception of grid, where each widget's position must be specified via attribute arguments (e.g. #[widget(col=1, row=2)]). The col and row parameters both default to 0, while cspan and rspan (column and row spans) both default to 1.

Fields may have an identifier or may be anonymous (via usage of _). This is often convenient for child widgets which don't need to be referred to.

Fields may have an explicit type (ident : type = ...), or the type may be skipped, or (for widgets only) just the response type can be specified via ident -> type = .... Note that some type specification is usually needed when referring to the field later.

Optionally, a message handler may be specified for child widgets via #[widget(handler = f)] ident = value where f is a method defined on the anonymous struct with signature fn f(&mut self, tk: &TkWidget, msg: M) -> R where M is the type of response received from the child widget, and R is the type of response sent from this widget.


use kas::control::TextButton;
use kas::macros::{NoResponse, make_widget};
enum OkCancel {
let button_box = make_widget!{
    container(horizontal) => OkCancel;
    struct {
        #[widget] _ = TextButton::new("Ok", || OkCancel::Ok),
        #[widget] _ = TextButton::new("Cancel", || OkCancel::Cancel),

The derive(NoResponse) macro

This macro implements From<NoResponse> for the given type. It assumes that the type is an enum with a simple variant named None.


use kas::macros::NoResponse;
enum MyMessage { None, A, B };


pub use kas_macros::NoResponse;
pub use kas_macros::Widget;
pub use kas_macros::make_widget;