Attribute Macro state

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Macro to call before every implementation of the State<> trait. Allow to decrease verbosity of the trait implementation. This is what the macro does:

  • Create an empty structure named after the tag sent as a generic parameter in the State<> trait implementation
  • Implement the State::get_parent_state() method using the state tag of the parent provided as the value of super_state.

There are two use cases of the macro depending on the category of the parent state (see example below). The first case being when the state has the top state as a parent. In this case, use the Top keyword to define the value of super_state. The second case being when the parent state is another user-defined state. In this case set your custom state as the name of super_state.

#[state(super_state= Top)]
impl State<S1> for BasicStateMachine {
    fn init(&mut self) -> InitResult<Self> {

    fn handle(&mut self, evt: & BasicEvt) -> HandleResult<Self> {
       match evt{
           BasicEvt::A => {
           _ => ignored!()
#[state(super_state= S1)]
impl State<S11> for BasicStateMachine {
    fn handle(&mut self, evt: & BasicEvt) -> HandleResult<Self> {
       match evt{
           BasicEvt::A => {
           _ => ignored!()