initSidebarItems({"constant":[["GROUP_SIZE","Defines the size of close group"],["PARALLELISM","Defines the number of contacts which should be returned by the `target_nodes` function for a target which is outwith our close group and is not a contact in the table."],["QUORUM_SIZE","Used as number of nodes agreed to represnet a quorum"]],"fn":[["bucket_size","Bucket size"],["group_size","Defines the size of close group"],["optimal_table_size","optimal table size as usize"],["parallelism","parallelism as u64"],["quorum_size","Quorum size as usize"]],"struct":[["NodeInfo","Allows user defined data for routing table"],["RoutingTable","The RoutingTable class is used to maintain a list of contacts to which the node is connected."]],"trait":[["HasName","required trait for the info held on a node by routing_table"]]});