Crate kaboodle

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Kaboodle is a Rust crate containing an approximate implementation of the SWIM membership gossip protocol, give or take some details. It can be used to discover other peers on the LAN without any central coordination.

use kaboodle::Kaboodle;
async fn example() {
    // UDP port number Kaboodle should use when discovering peers; every
    // Kaboodle instance must be using the same port number in order to find
    // each other.
    let port_number = 7475;
    // Which network interface to use; provide None to have Kaboodle select
    // one automatically.
    let preferred_interface = None;
    // Optional byte array used to durably identify this particular instance
    // of Kaboodle. Use this to give a particular machine a durable identity
    // if the application you are building on top of Kaboodle requires it.
    let identity = Some(b"instance1");

    let mut kaboodle = Kaboodle::new(7475, preferred_interface, identity).unwrap();
    let peers = kaboodle.peers().await;
    for (peer_address, peer_identity) in peers {
       // do something interesting


  • Error types used internally to communicate details about errors specific to our implementation details.
  • This utility module contains some network interface conveniences.


  • Data managed by a Kaboodle mesh client.