[][src]Function k4a_sys_temp::k4a_image_set_white_balance

pub unsafe extern "C" fn k4a_image_set_white_balance(
    image_handle: k4a_image_t,
    white_balance: u32

Set the white balance of the image.

\param image_handle Handle of the image to set the white balance on.

\param white_balance White balance of the image in degrees Kelvin.

\remarks Use this function in conjunction with k4a_image_create() or k4a_image_create_from_buffer() to construct a \ref k4a_image_t. A white balance of 0 is considered invalid. White balance is only meaningful for color images, and not expected on depth or IR images.

\relates k4a_image_t

\xmlonly k4a.h (include k4a/k4a.h) k4a.lib k4a.dll \endxmlonly