[][src]Function k4a_sys_temp::k4a_transformation_depth_image_to_color_camera_custom

pub unsafe extern "C" fn k4a_transformation_depth_image_to_color_camera_custom(
    transformation_handle: k4a_transformation_t,
    depth_image: k4a_image_t,
    custom_image: k4a_image_t,
    transformed_depth_image: k4a_image_t,
    transformed_custom_image: k4a_image_t,
    interpolation_type: k4a_transformation_interpolation_type_t,
    invalid_custom_value: u32
) -> k4a_result_t

Transforms depth map and a custom image into the geometry of the color camera.

\param transformation_handle Transformation handle.

\param depth_image Handle to input depth image.

\param custom_image Handle to input custom image.

\param transformed_depth_image Handle to output transformed depth image.

\param transformed_custom_image Handle to output transformed custom image.

\param interpolation_type Parameter that controls how pixels in \p custom_image should be interpolated when transformed to color camera space. K4A_TRANSFORMATION_INTERPOLATION_TYPE_LINEAR if linear interpolation should be used. K4A_TRANSFORMATION_INTERPOLATION_TYPE_NEAREST if nearest neighbor interpolation should be used.

\param invalid_custom_value Defines the custom image pixel value that should be written to \p transformed_custom_image in case the corresponding depth pixel can not be transformed into the color camera space.

\remarks This produces a depth image and a corresponding custom image for which each pixel matches the corresponding pixel coordinates of the color camera.

\remarks \p depth_image and \p transformed_depth_image must be of format ::K4A_IMAGE_FORMAT_DEPTH16.

\remarks \p custom_image and \p transformed_custom_image must be of format ::K4A_IMAGE_FORMAT_CUSTOM8 or ::K4A_IMAGE_FORMAT_CUSTOM16.

\remarks \p transformed_depth_image and \p transformed_custom_image must have a width and height matching the width and height of the color camera in the mode specified by the \ref k4a_calibration_t used to create the \p transformation_handle with k4a_transformation_create().

\remarks \p custom_image must have a width and height matching the width and height of \p depth_image.

\remarks The contents \p transformed_depth_image will be filled with the depth values derived from \p depth_image in the color camera's coordinate space.

\remarks The contents \p transformed_custom_image will be filled with the values derived from \p custom_image in the color camera's coordinate space.

\remarks \p transformed_depth_image and \p transformed_custom_image should be created by the caller using k4a_image_create() or k4a_image_create_from_buffer().

\remarks Using linear interpolation could create new values to \p transformed_custom_image which do no exist in \p custom_image. Setting \p use_linear_interpolation to false will prevent this from happenning but will result in less smooth image.

\returns ::K4A_RESULT_SUCCEEDED if \p transformed_depth_image and \p transformed_custom_image were successfully written and ::K4A_RESULT_FAILED otherwise.

\relates k4a_transformation_t

\xmlonly k4a.h (include k4a/k4a.h) k4a.lib k4a.dll \endxmlonly