[][src]Function k4a_sys_temp::k4a_transformation_create

pub unsafe extern "C" fn k4a_transformation_create(
    calibration: *const k4a_calibration_t
) -> k4a_transformation_t

Get handle to transformation handle.

\param calibration A calibration structure obtained by k4a_device_get_calibration().

\returns A transformation handle. A NULL is returned if creation fails.

\remarks The transformation handle is used to transform images from the coordinate system of one camera into the other. Each transformation handle requires some pre-computed resources to be allocated, which are retained until the handle is destroyed.

\remarks The transformation handle must be destroyed with k4a_transformation_destroy() when it is no longer to be used.

\relates k4a_calibration_t

\xmlonly k4a.h (include k4a/k4a.h) k4a.lib k4a.dll \endxmlonly