[][src]Function k4a_sys_temp::k4a_device_get_version

pub unsafe extern "C" fn k4a_device_get_version(
    device_handle: k4a_device_t,
    version: *mut k4a_hardware_version_t
) -> k4a_result_t

Get the version numbers of the device's subsystems.

\param device_handle Handle obtained by k4a_device_open().

\param version Location to write the version info to.

\returns A return of ::K4A_RESULT_SUCCEEDED means that the version structure has been filled in. All other failures return ::K4A_RESULT_FAILED.

\relates k4a_device_t

\xmlonly k4a.h (include k4a/k4a.h) k4a.lib k4a.dll \endxmlonly