[][src]Function k4a_sys_temp::k4a_device_start_imu

pub unsafe extern "C" fn k4a_device_start_imu(
    device_handle: k4a_device_t
) -> k4a_result_t

Starts the IMU sample stream.

\param device_handle Handle obtained by k4a_device_open().

\returns ::K4A_RESULT_SUCCEEDED is returned on success. ::K4A_RESULT_FAILED if the sensor is already running or a failure is encountered

\relates k4a_device_t

\remarks Call this API to start streaming IMU data. It is not valid to call this function a second time on the same \ref k4a_device_t until k4a_device_stop_imu() has been called.

\remarks This function is dependent on the state of the cameras. The color or depth camera must be started before the IMU. ::K4A_RESULT_FAILED will be returned if one of the cameras is not running.

\xmlonly k4a.h (include k4a/k4a.h) k4a.lib k4a.dll \endxmlonly