[−][src]Crate k22f
Peripheral access API for MK22F12 microcontrollers (generated using svd2rust v0.17.0)
You can find an overview of the API here.
pub use self::Interrupt as interrupt; |
adc0 | Analog-to-Digital Converter |
adc1 | Analog-to-Digital Converter |
aips0 | AIPS-Lite Bridge |
aips1 | AIPS-Lite Bridge |
axbs | Crossbar switch |
can0 | Flex Controller Area Network module |
cmp0 | High-Speed Comparator (CMP), Voltage Reference (VREF) Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC), and Analog Mux (ANMUX) |
cmp1 | High-Speed Comparator (CMP), Voltage Reference (VREF) Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC), and Analog Mux (ANMUX) |
cmp2 | High-Speed Comparator (CMP), Voltage Reference (VREF) Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC), and Analog Mux (ANMUX) |
cmt | Carrier Modulator Transmitter |
crc | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
dac0 | 12-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converter |
dma | Enhanced direct memory access controller |
dmamux | DMA channel multiplexor |
ewm | External Watchdog Monitor |
fb | FlexBus external bus interface |
fmc | Flash Memory Controller |
ftfe | Flash Memory Interface |
ftfe_flash_config | Flash configuration field |
ftm0 | FlexTimer Module |
ftm1 | FlexTimer Module |
ftm2 | FlexTimer Module |
ftm3 | FlexTimer Module |
generic | Common register and bit access and modify traits |
gpioa | General Purpose Input/Output |
gpiob | General Purpose Input/Output |
gpioc | General Purpose Input/Output |
gpiod | General Purpose Input/Output |
gpioe | General Purpose Input/Output |
i2c0 | Inter-Integrated Circuit |
i2c1 | Inter-Integrated Circuit |
i2c2 | Inter-Integrated Circuit |
i2s0 | Inter-IC Sound / Synchronous Audio Interface |
llwu | Low leakage wakeup unit |
lptmr0 | Low Power Timer |
mcg | Multipurpose Clock Generator module |
mcm | Core Platform Miscellaneous Control Module |
osc | Oscillator |
pdb0 | Programmable Delay Block |
pit | Periodic Interrupt Timer |
pmc | Power Management Controller |
porta | Pin Control and Interrupts |
portb | Pin Control and Interrupts |
portc | Pin Control and Interrupts |
portd | Pin Control and Interrupts |
porte | Pin Control and Interrupts |
rcm | Reset Control Module |
rfsys | System register file |
rfvbat | VBAT register file |
rtc | Secure Real Time Clock |
sim | System Integration Module |
smc | System Mode Controller |
spi0 | Serial Peripheral Interface |
sys_tick | System timer |
sysmpu | Memory protection unit |
system_control | System Control Block |
uart0 | Serial Communication Interface |
uart1 | Serial Communication Interface |
uart2 | Serial Communication Interface |
usb0 | Universal Serial Bus, OTG Capable Controller |
usbdcd | USB Device Charger Detection module |
vref | Voltage Reference |
wdog | Generation 2008 Watchdog Timer |
ADC0 | Analog-to-Digital Converter |
ADC1 | Analog-to-Digital Converter |
AIPS0 | AIPS-Lite Bridge |
AIPS1 | AIPS-Lite Bridge |
AXBS | Crossbar switch |
CAN0 | Flex Controller Area Network module |
CBP | Cache and branch predictor maintenance operations |
CMP0 | High-Speed Comparator (CMP), Voltage Reference (VREF) Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC), and Analog Mux (ANMUX) |
CMP1 | High-Speed Comparator (CMP), Voltage Reference (VREF) Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC), and Analog Mux (ANMUX) |
CMP2 | High-Speed Comparator (CMP), Voltage Reference (VREF) Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC), and Analog Mux (ANMUX) |
CMT | Carrier Modulator Transmitter |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
CorePeripherals | Core peripherals |
DAC0 | 12-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converter |
DCB | Debug Control Block |
DMA | Enhanced direct memory access controller |
DMAMUX | DMA channel multiplexor |
DWT | Data Watchpoint and Trace unit |
EWM | External Watchdog Monitor |
FB | FlexBus external bus interface |
FMC | Flash Memory Controller |
FPB | Flash Patch and Breakpoint unit |
FPU | Floating Point Unit |
FTFE | Flash Memory Interface |
FTFE_FLASHCONFIG | Flash configuration field |
FTM0 | FlexTimer Module |
FTM1 | FlexTimer Module |
FTM2 | FlexTimer Module |
FTM3 | FlexTimer Module |
GPIOA | General Purpose Input/Output |
GPIOB | General Purpose Input/Output |
GPIOC | General Purpose Input/Output |
GPIOD | General Purpose Input/Output |
GPIOE | General Purpose Input/Output |
I2C0 | Inter-Integrated Circuit |
I2C1 | Inter-Integrated Circuit |
I2C2 | Inter-Integrated Circuit |
I2S0 | Inter-IC Sound / Synchronous Audio Interface |
ITM | Instrumentation Trace Macrocell |
LLWU | Low leakage wakeup unit |
LPTMR0 | Low Power Timer |
MCG | Multipurpose Clock Generator module |
MCM | Core Platform Miscellaneous Control Module |
MPU | Memory Protection Unit |
NVIC | Nested Vector Interrupt Controller |
OSC | Oscillator |
PDB0 | Programmable Delay Block |
PIT | Periodic Interrupt Timer |
PMC | Power Management Controller |
PORTA | Pin Control and Interrupts |
PORTB | Pin Control and Interrupts |
PORTC | Pin Control and Interrupts |
PORTD | Pin Control and Interrupts |
PORTE | Pin Control and Interrupts |
Peripherals | All the peripherals |
RCM | Reset Control Module |
RFSYS | System register file |
RFVBAT | VBAT register file |
RTC | Secure Real Time Clock |
SCB | System Control Block |
SIM | System Integration Module |
SMC | System Mode Controller |
SPI0 | Serial Peripheral Interface |
SYSMPU | Memory protection unit |
SYST | SysTick: System Timer |
SYSTEMCONTROL | System Control Block |
SYSTICK | System timer |
TPIU | Trace Port Interface Unit |
UART0 | Serial Communication Interface |
UART1 | Serial Communication Interface |
UART2 | Serial Communication Interface |
USB0 | Universal Serial Bus, OTG Capable Controller |
USBDCD | USB Device Charger Detection module |
VREF | Voltage Reference |
WDOG | Generation 2008 Watchdog Timer |
Interrupt | Enumeration of all the interrupts |
NVIC_PRIO_BITS | Number available in the NVIC for configuring priority |
Attribute Macros
interrupt | Attribute to declare an interrupt (AKA device-specific exception) handler |