Crate jws

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This library provides JSON Web Signature encoding, decoding, signing and verification as described in RFC 7515.

Currently, encoding and decoding is available only for the JWS Compact Serialization scheme in the compact module.

Signing and verifying is done through the Signer and Verifier traits. The hmac module contains implementations for these traits that support the HMAC-SHA2 family of algorithms.


use jws::{JsonObject, JsonValue};
use jws::compact::{decode_verify, encode_sign};
use jws::hmac::{Hs512Signer, HmacVerifier};

fn encode_decode() -> jws::Result<()> {
  // Add custom header parameters.
  let mut header = JsonObject::new();
  header.insert(String::from("typ"), JsonValue::from("text/plain"));

  // Encode and sign the message.
  let encoded = encode_sign(header, b"payload", &Hs512Signer::new(b"secretkey"))?;

  // Decode and verify the message.
  let decoded = decode_verify(, &HmacVerifier::new(b"secretkey"))?;

  assert_eq!(decoded.payload, b"payload");
  assert_eq!(decoded.header.get("typ").and_then(|x| x.as_str()), Some("text/plain"));



JWS Compact Serialization implementaton.

HMAC Verifier and Signer implementations using RustCrypto.

Verifier and Signer implementations for the none algorithm.


Create a JSON object.


An error that can occur during JWS processing.


Indicates the type of an error that can occur during JWS processing.


A signer for JWS messages.

A verifier for JWS messages.


Get a parameter from either the protected or unprotected header, depending on which are available and which has the parameter.

Get a required parameter from either header.

Get and deserialize a required parameter from either header.

Type Definitions

A JSON object.

std::result::Result with the error type filled in.