Crate just_webrtc

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Just simple, fast and easy WebRTC peers in Rust.

Supports WebRTC on both native and wasm32 targets, with an identical API for both.

just-webrtc is modular, only including WebRTC types and implementations. No signalling here!

Roll your own signalling setup, or use the ready-made standard signalling client/server at just-webrtc-signalling

… Maybe WebRTC can be easy?

just-webrtc = "0.2"


See for the complete API reference.


This basic example creates a ‘local’ and a ‘remote’ peer with a single data channel.

See the data_channels test for a compiling version of this example.

For complete examples, including signalling, see the Examples in the repository.

Peer A - Local peer (creates the local peer from configuration):

Note: “local peer” is WebRTC-speak for the initial peer that creates the offer. Internally this peer is also referred to as the “offerer”

use anyhow::Result;
use just_webrtc::{
    types::{SessionDescription, ICECandidate, PeerConnectionState}

async fn run_local_peer() -> Result<()> {
    // create simple local peer connection with unordered data channel
    let local_peer_connection = SimpleLocalPeerConnection::build(false).await?;

    // output offer and candidates for remote peer
    let offer = local_peer_connection.get_local_description().await.unwrap();
    let candidates = local_peer_connection.collect_ice_candidates().await?;

    // ... send the offer and the candidates to Peer B via external signalling implementation ...
    let signalling = (offer, candidates);

    // ... receive the answer and candidates from Peer B via external signalling implementation ...
    let (answer, candidates) = signalling;

    // update local peer from received answer and candidates

    // local signalling is complete! we can now wait for a complete connection
    while local_peer_connection.state_change().await != PeerConnectionState::Connected {}

    // receive data channel from local peer
    let local_channel = local_peer_connection.receive_channel().await.unwrap();
    // wait for data channels to be ready

    // send data to remote (answerer)
    local_channel.send(&bytes::Bytes::from("hello remote!")).await?;
    // recv data from remote (answerer)
    let recv = local_channel.receive().await.unwrap();
    assert_eq!(&recv, "hello local!");


Peer B - Remote peer (creates the remote peer from a received offer):

Note: “remote peer” is WebRTC-speak for the peer that receives an offer from the “local peer”. Internally this peer is also referred to as the “answerer”

use anyhow::Result;
use just_webrtc::{
    types::{SessionDescription, ICECandidate, PeerConnectionState}

async fn run_remote_peer(offer: SessionDescription, candidates: Vec<ICECandidate>) -> Result<()> {
    // ... receive the offer and the candidates from Peer A via external signalling implementation ...

    // create simple remote peer connection from received offer and candidates
    let remote_peer_connection = SimpleRemotePeerConnection::build(offer).await?;
    // output answer and candidates for local peer
    let answer = remote_peer_connection.get_local_description().await.unwrap();
    let candidates = remote_peer_connection.collect_ice_candidates().await?;

    // ... send the answer and the candidates back to Peer A via external signalling implementation ...
    let _signalling = (answer, candidates);

    // remote signalling is complete! we can now wait for a complete connection
    while remote_peer_connection.state_change().await != PeerConnectionState::Connected {}

    // receive data channel from local and remote peers
    let remote_channel = remote_peer_connection.receive_channel().await.unwrap();
    // wait for data channels to be ready

    // send/recv data from local (offerer) to remote (answerer)
    let recv = remote_channel.receive().await.unwrap();
    assert_eq!(&recv, "hello remote!");
    // send/recv data from remote (answerer) to local (offerer)
    remote_channel.send(&bytes::Bytes::from("hello local!")).await?;



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  • Platform dependant WebRTC implementations
  • Type module


