[][src]Module jupiter::infograph

Provides a compact and highly efficient representation of in-memory databases.

infograph permits to generate or load structured data, which can then be queried in various ways. This could be anything from simple code lists (name value pair) to complex graphs of master data like nested lookup tables translated into several languages.

The work horse is the Doc struct which contains the root Node and the SymbolTable. Nodes as the internal representation of the supported data types (strings, ints, bools, lists and maps). The external interface used to access them is Element which carries the symbol table along.

Symbols are simply numbers (i32) which are managed by a SymbolTable. The reason is that many documents contain lots of inner objects (maps) which all share the same keys. To optimize memory consumption and also to improve access times, these keys are only put in them symbol table once and then referenced as Symbol.

If a Symbol or a Query (which is a path of symbols to access an inner object) is used several times, it can be compiled and then re-used, which further improves performance.

For lists of objects a Table can be used to further speed up querying objects and data from it. A table permits to add indices for common queries and also keeps a cache for both, pre-compiled queries and frequent lookups around.

To create a Doc a DocBuilder can be used to create a Doc programmatically. Also, hash_to_doc or list_to_doc can be used to load data from Yaml.


As stated above, infograph is built to serve queries against large in-memory data structures which are read frequently and changed seldomly.

To guarantee optimal performance and to also optimize memory consumption, three main techniques are applied:

  1. Small string optimizations: Strings which are rather short, are stored in place instead of using a classic String. Note that if the value doesn't fit in place, we still only store a pointer to a [u8] instead of a whole Vec<u8> which saves 8 bytes for the skipped capacity field (which isn't required as the strings are immutable anyway).

  2. Compression via SymbolTable: As the keys in objects are most probably repeated very often we store the strings in a symbol table and only carry an i32 along.Think if a list of 1000 object which all look like { Foo: 42, Bar: 24 }. Instead of storing the strings repeatedly, we have a symbol table: {'Foo': 1, 'Bar': 2} accompanied with a lookup table [ 'Foo', 'Bar' ]. The object itself is stored as {1: 42, 2: 24}.

  3. Optimized object representation: Objects are maps which map Symbols (i32) to nodes. As many objects only contain a few entries, using a HashMap would be quite an overkill (and slow). Therefore we use a Vec<(Symbol, Node)> with a small initial capacity. This provides quite a compact memory layout which is very fast due to its efficient usage of L1 cache. We also sort entries by their Symbol so that we can use a binary search when looking up an entry.



Provides DocBuilder which used to create a Doc programmatically.


Contains the core elements to read / query an information graph.


Provides a SymbolTable and a SymbolMap for an efficient and compact representation of objects / inner maps.
