Crate jtag

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Built-in JTAG adapter drivers


State required to be stored by a BitbangJTAGAdapter in order for this crate to automatically implement ChunkShifterJTAGAdapter and eventually JTAGAdapter for it.

State required to be stored by a ChunkShifterJTAGAdapter in order for this crate to automatically implement StateTrackingJTAGAdapter and eventually JTAGAdapter for it.

State required to be stored by a JTAGAdapter


Represents all possible actions that can be performed on a JTAG adapter

Represents possible results from performing JTAG actions

Represents a state in the JTAG state machine


Trait for JTAG adapters that are built around bit-banging one clock cycle at a time

Trait for JTAG adapters that are built around shifting blocks of bits at a time (e.g. FTDI MPSSE, Xilinx Platform Cable USB)

Trait representing a generic JTAG adapter

Trait for JTAG adapters that can automatically follow the JTAG state machine