Macro jsonrpc_macros::metadata [] [src]

macro_rules! metadata {
    () => { ... };
		$( $sub_name: ident )+
	) => { ... };

Auto-generates an RPC trait from trait definition.

This just copies out all the methods, docs, and adds another function to_delegate which will automatically wrap each strongly-typed function in a wrapper which handles parameter and output type serialization.

RPC functions may come in a couple forms: synchronous, async and async with metadata. These are parsed with the custom #[rpc] attribute, which must follow documentation.

The #[rpc] attribute

Valid forms: - #[rpc(name = "name_here")] (an async rpc function which should be bound to the given name) - #[rpc(meta, name = "name_here")] (an async rpc function with metadata which should be bound to the given name)

Synchronous function format: fn foo(&self, Param1, Param2, Param3) -> Result<Out>.

Asynchronous RPC functions must come in this form: `fn foo(&self, Param1, Param2, Param3) -> BoxFuture;

Asynchronous RPC functions with metadata must come in this form: `fn foo(&self, Self::Metadata, Param1, Param2, Param3) -> BoxFuture;

Anything else will be rejected by the code generator.

The #[pubsub] attribute

Valid form: ```rust,ignore

[pubsub(name = "hello")] {

#[rpc(name = "hello_subscribe")] fn subscribe(&self, Self::Metadata, pubsub::Subscriber, u64); #[rpc(name = "hello_unsubscribe")] fn unsubscribe(&self, SubscriptionId) -> Result; } ```

The attribute is used to create a new pair of subscription methods (if underlying transport supports that.)