[][src]Constant jrsonnet_stdlib::STDLIB_STR

pub const STDLIB_STR: &str = "{\n  __intrinsic_namespace__:: \'std\',\n\n  local std = self,\n  local id = std.id,\n\n  isString(v):: std.type(v) == \'string\',\n  isNumber(v):: std.type(v) == \'number\',\n  isBoolean(v):: std.type(v) == \'boolean\',\n  isObject(v):: std.type(v) == \'object\',\n  isArray(v):: std.type(v) == \'array\',\n  isFunction(v):: std.type(v) == \'function\',\n\n  toString(a)::\n    if std.type(a) == \'string\' then a else \'\' + a,\n\n  substr(str, from, len)::\n    assert std.isString(str) : \'substr first parameter should be a string, got \' + std.type(str);\n    assert std.isNumber(from) : \'substr second parameter should be a string, got \' + std.type(from);\n    assert std.isNumber(len) : \'substr third parameter should be a string, got \' + std.type(len);\n    assert len >= 0 : \'substr third parameter should be greater than zero, got \' + len;\n    std.join(\'\', std.makeArray(std.max(0, std.min(len, std.length(str) - from)), function(i) str[i + from])),\n\n  startsWith(a, b)::\n    if std.length(a) < std.length(b) then\n      false\n    else\n      std.substr(a, 0, std.length(b)) == b,\n\n  endsWith(a, b)::\n    if std.length(a) < std.length(b) then\n      false\n    else\n      std.substr(a, std.length(a) - std.length(b), std.length(b)) == b,\n\n  lstripChars(str, chars)::\n    if std.length(str) > 0 && std.member(chars, str[0]) then\n      std.lstripChars(str[1:], chars)\n    else\n      str,\n\n  rstripChars(str, chars)::\n    local len = std.length(str);\n    if len > 0 && std.member(chars, str[len - 1]) then\n      std.rstripChars(str[:len - 1], chars)\n    else\n      str,\n\n  stripChars(str, chars)::\n    std.lstripChars(std.rstripChars(str, chars), chars),\n\n  stringChars(str)::\n    std.makeArray(std.length(str), function(i) str[i]),\n\n  local parse_nat(str, base) =\n    assert base > 0 && base <= 16 : \'integer base %d invalid\' % base;\n    // These codepoints are in ascending order:\n    local zero_code = std.codepoint(\'0\');\n    local upper_a_code = std.codepoint(\'A\');\n    local lower_a_code = std.codepoint(\'a\');\n    local addDigit(aggregate, char) =\n      local code = std.codepoint(char);\n      local digit = if code >= lower_a_code then\n        code - lower_a_code + 10\n      else if code >= upper_a_code then\n        code - upper_a_code + 10\n      else\n        code - zero_code;\n      assert digit >= 0 && digit < base : \'%s is not a base %d integer\' % [str, base];\n      base * aggregate + digit;\n    std.foldl(addDigit, std.stringChars(str), 0),\n\n  parseInt(str)::\n    assert std.isString(str) : \'Expected string, got \' + std.type(str);\n    assert std.length(str) > 0 && str != \'-\' : \'Not an integer: \"%s\"\' % [str];\n    if str[0] == \'-\' then\n      -parse_nat(str[1:], 10)\n    else\n      parse_nat(str, 10),\n\n  parseOctal(str)::\n    assert std.isString(str) : \'Expected string, got \' + std.type(str);\n    assert std.length(str) > 0 : \'Not an octal number: \"\"\';\n    parse_nat(str, 8),\n\n  parseHex(str)::\n    assert std.isString(str) : \'Expected string, got \' + std.type(str);\n    assert std.length(str) > 0 : \'Not hexadecimal: \"\"\';\n    parse_nat(str, 16),\n\n  split(str, c)::\n    assert std.isString(str) : \'std.split first parameter should be a string, got \' + std.type(str);\n    assert std.isString(c) : \'std.split second parameter should be a string, got \' + std.type(c);\n    assert std.length(c) == 1 : \'std.split second parameter should have length 1, got \' + std.length(c);\n    std.splitLimit(str, c, -1),\n\n  splitLimit(str, c, maxsplits)::\n    assert std.isString(str) : \'std.splitLimit first parameter should be a string, got \' + std.type(str);\n    assert std.isString(c) : \'std.splitLimit second parameter should be a string, got \' + std.type(c);\n    assert std.length(c) == 1 : \'std.splitLimit second parameter should have length 1, got \' + std.length(c);\n    assert std.isNumber(maxsplits) : \'std.splitLimit third parameter should be a number, got \' + std.type(maxsplits);\n    local aux(str, delim, i, arr, v) =\n      local c = str[i];\n      local i2 = i + 1;\n      if i >= std.length(str) then\n        arr + [v]\n      else if c == delim && (maxsplits == -1 || std.length(arr) < maxsplits) then\n        aux(str, delim, i2, arr + [v], \'\') tailstrict\n      else\n        aux(str, delim, i2, arr, v + c) tailstrict;\n    aux(str, c, 0, [], \'\'),\n\n  strReplace(str, from, to)::\n    assert std.isString(str);\n    assert std.isString(from);\n    assert std.isString(to);\n    assert from != \'\' : \"\'from\' string must not be zero length.\";\n\n    // Cache for performance.\n    local str_len = std.length(str);\n    local from_len = std.length(from);\n\n    // True if from is at str[i].\n    local found_at(i) = str[i:i + from_len] == from;\n\n    // Return the remainder of \'str\' starting with \'start_index\' where\n    // all occurrences of \'from\' after \'curr_index\' are replaced with \'to\'.\n    local replace_after(start_index, curr_index, acc) =\n      if curr_index > str_len then\n        acc + str[start_index:curr_index]\n      else if found_at(curr_index) then\n        local new_index = curr_index + std.length(from);\n        replace_after(new_index, new_index, acc + str[start_index:curr_index] + to) tailstrict\n      else\n        replace_after(start_index, curr_index + 1, acc) tailstrict;\n\n    // if from_len==1, then we replace by splitting and rejoining the\n    // string which is much faster than recursing on replace_after\n    if from_len == 1 then\n      std.join(to, std.split(str, from))\n    else\n      replace_after(0, 0, \'\'),\n\n  asciiUpper(str)::\n    local cp = std.codepoint;\n    local up_letter(c) = if cp(c) >= 97 && cp(c) < 123 then\n      std.char(cp(c) - 32)\n    else\n      c;\n    std.join(\'\', std.map(up_letter, std.stringChars(str))),\n\n  asciiLower(str)::\n    local cp = std.codepoint;\n    local down_letter(c) = if cp(c) >= 65 && cp(c) < 91 then\n      std.char(cp(c) + 32)\n    else\n      c;\n    std.join(\'\', std.map(down_letter, std.stringChars(str))),\n\n  range(from, to)::\n    std.makeArray(to - from + 1, function(i) i + from),\n\n  repeat(what, count)::\n    local joiner =\n      if std.isString(what) then \'\'\n      else if std.isArray(what) then []\n      else error \'std.repeat first argument must be an array or a string\';\n    std.join(joiner, std.makeArray(count, function(i) what)),\n\n  slice(indexable, index, end, step)::\n    local invar =\n      // loop invariant with defaults applied\n      {\n        indexable: indexable,\n        index:\n          if index == null then 0\n          else index,\n        end:\n          if end == null then std.length(indexable)\n          else end,\n        step:\n          if step == null then 1\n          else step,\n        length: std.length(indexable),\n        type: std.type(indexable),\n      };\n    assert invar.index >= 0 && invar.end >= 0 && invar.step >= 0 : \'got [%s:%s:%s] but negative index, end, and steps are not supported\' % [invar.index, invar.end, invar.step];\n    assert step != 0 : \'got %s but step must be greater than 0\' % step;\n    assert std.isString(indexable) || std.isArray(indexable) : \'std.slice accepts a string or an array, but got: %s\' % std.type(indexable);\n    local build(slice, cur) =\n      if cur >= invar.end || cur >= invar.length then\n        slice\n      else\n        build(\n          if invar.type == \'string\' then\n            slice + invar.indexable[cur]\n          else\n            slice + [invar.indexable[cur]],\n          cur + invar.step\n        ) tailstrict;\n    build(if invar.type == \'string\' then \'\' else [], invar.index),\n\n  member(arr, x)::\n    if std.isArray(arr) then\n      std.count(arr, x) > 0\n    else if std.isString(arr) then\n      std.length(std.findSubstr(x, arr)) > 0\n    else error \'std.member first argument must be an array or a string\',\n\n  count(arr, x):: std.length(std.filter(function(v) v == x, arr)),\n\n  mod(a, b)::\n    if std.isNumber(a) && std.isNumber(b) then\n      std.modulo(a, b)\n    else if std.isString(a) then\n      std.format(a, b)\n    else\n      error \'Operator % cannot be used on types \' + std.type(a) + \' and \' + std.type(b) + \'.\',\n\n  map(func, arr)::\n    if !std.isFunction(func) then\n      error (\'std.map first param must be function, got \' + std.type(func))\n    else if !std.isArray(arr) && !std.isString(arr) then\n      error (\'std.map second param must be array / string, got \' + std.type(arr))\n    else\n      std.makeArray(std.length(arr), function(i) func(arr[i])),\n\n  mapWithIndex(func, arr)::\n    if !std.isFunction(func) then\n      error (\'std.mapWithIndex first param must be function, got \' + std.type(func))\n    else if !std.isArray(arr) && !std.isString(arr) then\n      error (\'std.mapWithIndex second param must be array, got \' + std.type(arr))\n    else\n      std.makeArray(std.length(arr), function(i) func(i, arr[i])),\n\n  mapWithKey(func, obj)::\n    if !std.isFunction(func) then\n      error (\'std.mapWithKey first param must be function, got \' + std.type(func))\n    else if !std.isObject(obj) then\n      error (\'std.mapWithKey second param must be object, got \' + std.type(obj))\n    else\n      { [k]: func(k, obj[k]) for k in std.objectFields(obj) },\n\n  flatMap(func, arr)::\n    if !std.isFunction(func) then\n      error (\'std.flatMap first param must be function, got \' + std.type(func))\n    else if std.isArray(arr) then\n      std.flattenArrays(std.makeArray(std.length(arr), function(i) func(arr[i])))\n    else if std.isString(arr) then\n      std.join(\'\', std.makeArray(std.length(arr), function(i) func(arr[i])))\n    else error (\'std.flatMap second param must be array / string, got \' + std.type(arr)),\n\n  join(sep, arr)::\n    local aux(arr, i, first, running) =\n      if i >= std.length(arr) then\n        running\n      else if arr[i] == null then\n        aux(arr, i + 1, first, running) tailstrict\n      else if std.type(arr[i]) != std.type(sep) then\n        error \'expected %s but arr[%d] was %s \' % [std.type(sep), i, std.type(arr[i])]\n      else if first then\n        aux(arr, i + 1, false, running + arr[i]) tailstrict\n      else\n        aux(arr, i + 1, false, running + sep + arr[i]) tailstrict;\n    if !std.isArray(arr) then\n      error \'join second parameter should be array, got \' + std.type(arr)\n    else if std.isString(sep) then\n      aux(arr, 0, true, \'\')\n    else if std.isArray(sep) then\n      aux(arr, 0, true, [])\n    else\n      error \'join first parameter should be string or array, got \' + std.type(sep),\n\n  lines(arr)::\n    std.join(\'\\n\', arr + [\'\']),\n\n  deepJoin(arr)::\n    if std.isString(arr) then\n      arr\n    else if std.isArray(arr) then\n      std.join(\'\', [std.deepJoin(x) for x in arr])\n    else\n      error \'Expected string or array, got %s\' % std.type(arr),\n\n\n  format(str, vals)::\n\n    /////////////////////////////\n    // Parse the mini-language //\n    /////////////////////////////\n\n    local try_parse_mapping_key(str, i) =\n      assert i < std.length(str) : \'Truncated format code.\';\n      local c = str[i];\n      if c == \'(\' then\n        local consume(str, j, v) =\n          if j >= std.length(str) then\n            error \'Truncated format code.\'\n          else\n            local c = str[j];\n            if c != \')\' then\n              consume(str, j + 1, v + c)\n            else\n              { i: j + 1, v: v };\n        consume(str, i + 1, \'\')\n      else\n        { i: i, v: null };\n\n    local try_parse_cflags(str, i) =\n      local consume(str, j, v) =\n        assert j < std.length(str) : \'Truncated format code.\';\n        local c = str[j];\n        if c == \'#\' then\n          consume(str, j + 1, v { alt: true })\n        else if c == \'0\' then\n          consume(str, j + 1, v { zero: true })\n        else if c == \'-\' then\n          consume(str, j + 1, v { left: true })\n        else if c == \' \' then\n          consume(str, j + 1, v { blank: true })\n        else if c == \'+\' then\n          consume(str, j + 1, v { sign: true })\n        else\n          { i: j, v: v };\n      consume(str, i, { alt: false, zero: false, left: false, blank: false, sign: false });\n\n    local try_parse_field_width(str, i) =\n      if i < std.length(str) && str[i] == \'*\' then\n        { i: i + 1, v: \'*\' }\n      else\n        local consume(str, j, v) =\n          assert j < std.length(str) : \'Truncated format code.\';\n          local c = str[j];\n          if c == \'0\' then\n            consume(str, j + 1, v * 10 + 0)\n          else if c == \'1\' then\n            consume(str, j + 1, v * 10 + 1)\n          else if c == \'2\' then\n            consume(str, j + 1, v * 10 + 2)\n          else if c == \'3\' then\n            consume(str, j + 1, v * 10 + 3)\n          else if c == \'4\' then\n            consume(str, j + 1, v * 10 + 4)\n          else if c == \'5\' then\n            consume(str, j + 1, v * 10 + 5)\n          else if c == \'6\' then\n            consume(str, j + 1, v * 10 + 6)\n          else if c == \'7\' then\n            consume(str, j + 1, v * 10 + 7)\n          else if c == \'8\' then\n            consume(str, j + 1, v * 10 + 8)\n          else if c == \'9\' then\n            consume(str, j + 1, v * 10 + 9)\n          else\n            { i: j, v: v };\n        consume(str, i, 0);\n\n    local try_parse_precision(str, i) =\n      assert i < std.length(str) : \'Truncated format code.\';\n      local c = str[i];\n      if c == \'.\' then\n        try_parse_field_width(str, i + 1)\n      else\n        { i: i, v: null };\n\n    // Ignored, if it exists.\n    local try_parse_length_modifier(str, i) =\n      assert i < std.length(str) : \'Truncated format code.\';\n      local c = str[i];\n      if c == \'h\' || c == \'l\' || c == \'L\' then\n        i + 1\n      else\n        i;\n\n    local parse_conv_type(str, i) =\n      assert i < std.length(str) : \'Truncated format code.\';\n      local c = str[i];\n      if c == \'d\' || c == \'i\' || c == \'u\' then\n        { i: i + 1, v: \'d\', caps: false }\n      else if c == \'o\' then\n        { i: i + 1, v: \'o\', caps: false }\n      else if c == \'x\' then\n        { i: i + 1, v: \'x\', caps: false }\n      else if c == \'X\' then\n        { i: i + 1, v: \'x\', caps: true }\n      else if c == \'e\' then\n        { i: i + 1, v: \'e\', caps: false }\n      else if c == \'E\' then\n        { i: i + 1, v: \'e\', caps: true }\n      else if c == \'f\' then\n        { i: i + 1, v: \'f\', caps: false }\n      else if c == \'F\' then\n        { i: i + 1, v: \'f\', caps: true }\n      else if c == \'g\' then\n        { i: i + 1, v: \'g\', caps: false }\n      else if c == \'G\' then\n        { i: i + 1, v: \'g\', caps: true }\n      else if c == \'c\' then\n        { i: i + 1, v: \'c\', caps: false }\n      else if c == \'s\' then\n        { i: i + 1, v: \'s\', caps: false }\n      else if c == \'%\' then\n        { i: i + 1, v: \'%\', caps: false }\n      else\n        error \'Unrecognised conversion type: \' + c;\n\n\n    // Parsed initial %, now the rest.\n    local parse_code(str, i) =\n      assert i < std.length(str) : \'Truncated format code.\';\n      local mkey = try_parse_mapping_key(str, i);\n      local cflags = try_parse_cflags(str, mkey.i);\n      local fw = try_parse_field_width(str, cflags.i);\n      local prec = try_parse_precision(str, fw.i);\n      local len_mod = try_parse_length_modifier(str, prec.i);\n      local ctype = parse_conv_type(str, len_mod);\n      {\n        i: ctype.i,\n        code: {\n          mkey: mkey.v,\n          cflags: cflags.v,\n          fw: fw.v,\n          prec: prec.v,\n          ctype: ctype.v,\n          caps: ctype.caps,\n        },\n      };\n\n    // Parse a format string (containing none or more % format tags).\n    local parse_codes(str, i, out, cur) =\n      if i >= std.length(str) then\n        out + [cur]\n      else\n        local c = str[i];\n        if c == \'%\' then\n          local r = parse_code(str, i + 1);\n          parse_codes(str, r.i, out + [cur, r.code], \'\') tailstrict\n        else\n          parse_codes(str, i + 1, out, cur + c) tailstrict;\n\n    local codes = parse_codes(str, 0, [], \'\');\n\n\n    ///////////////////////\n    // Format the values //\n    ///////////////////////\n\n    // Useful utilities\n    local padding(w, s) =\n      local aux(w, v) =\n        if w <= 0 then\n          v\n        else\n          aux(w - 1, v + s);\n      aux(w, \'\');\n\n    // Add s to the left of str so that its length is at least w.\n    local pad_left(str, w, s) =\n      padding(w - std.length(str), s) + str;\n\n    // Add s to the right of str so that its length is at least w.\n    local pad_right(str, w, s) =\n      str + padding(w - std.length(str), s);\n\n    // Render an integer (e.g., decimal or octal).\n    local render_int(n__, min_chars, min_digits, blank, sign, radix, zero_prefix) =\n      local n_ = std.abs(n__);\n      local aux(n) =\n        if n == 0 then\n          zero_prefix\n        else\n          aux(std.floor(n / radix)) + (n % radix);\n      local dec = if std.floor(n_) == 0 then \'0\' else aux(std.floor(n_));\n      local neg = n__ < 0;\n      local zp = min_chars - (if neg || blank || sign then 1 else 0);\n      local zp2 = std.max(zp, min_digits);\n      local dec2 = pad_left(dec, zp2, \'0\');\n      (if neg then \'-\' else if sign then \'+\' else if blank then \' \' else \'\') + dec2;\n\n    // Render an integer in hexadecimal.\n    local render_hex(n__, min_chars, min_digits, blank, sign, add_zerox, capitals) =\n      local numerals = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]\n                       + if capitals then [\'A\', \'B\', \'C\', \'D\', \'E\', \'F\']\n                       else [\'a\', \'b\', \'c\', \'d\', \'e\', \'f\'];\n      local n_ = std.abs(n__);\n      local aux(n) =\n        if n == 0 then\n          \'\'\n        else\n          aux(std.floor(n / 16)) + numerals[n % 16];\n      local hex = if std.floor(n_) == 0 then \'0\' else aux(std.floor(n_));\n      local neg = n__ < 0;\n      local zp = min_chars - (if neg || blank || sign then 1 else 0)\n                 - (if add_zerox then 2 else 0);\n      local zp2 = std.max(zp, min_digits);\n      local hex2 = (if add_zerox then (if capitals then \'0X\' else \'0x\') else \'\')\n                   + pad_left(hex, zp2, \'0\');\n      (if neg then \'-\' else if sign then \'+\' else if blank then \' \' else \'\') + hex2;\n\n    local strip_trailing_zero(str) =\n      local aux(str, i) =\n        if i < 0 then\n          \'\'\n        else\n          if str[i] == \'0\' then\n            aux(str, i - 1)\n          else\n            std.substr(str, 0, i + 1);\n      aux(str, std.length(str) - 1);\n\n    // Render floating point in decimal form\n    local render_float_dec(n__, zero_pad, blank, sign, ensure_pt, trailing, prec) =\n      local n_ = std.abs(n__);\n      local whole = std.floor(n_);\n      local dot_size = if prec == 0 && !ensure_pt then 0 else 1;\n      local zp = zero_pad - prec - dot_size;\n      local str = render_int(std.sign(n__) * whole, zp, 0, blank, sign, 10, \'\');\n      if prec == 0 then\n        str + if ensure_pt then \'.\' else \'\'\n      else\n        local frac = std.floor((n_ - whole) * std.pow(10, prec) + 0.5);\n        if trailing || frac > 0 then\n          local frac_str = render_int(frac, prec, 0, false, false, 10, \'\');\n          str + \'.\' + if !trailing then strip_trailing_zero(frac_str) else frac_str\n        else\n          str;\n\n    // Render floating point in scientific form\n    local render_float_sci(n__, zero_pad, blank, sign, ensure_pt, trailing, caps, prec) =\n      local exponent = if n__ == 0 then 0 else std.floor(std.log(std.abs(n__)) / std.log(10));\n      local suff = (if caps then \'E\' else \'e\')\n                   + render_int(exponent, 3, 0, false, true, 10, \'\');\n      local mantissa = if exponent == -324 then\n        // Avoid a rounding error where std.pow(10, -324) is 0\n        // -324 is the smallest exponent possible.\n        n__ * 10 / std.pow(10, exponent + 1)\n      else\n        n__ / std.pow(10, exponent);\n      local zp2 = zero_pad - std.length(suff);\n      render_float_dec(mantissa, zp2, blank, sign, ensure_pt, trailing, prec) + suff;\n\n    // Render a value with an arbitrary format code.\n    local format_code(val, code, fw, prec_or_null, i) =\n      local cflags = code.cflags;\n      local fpprec = if prec_or_null != null then prec_or_null else 6;\n      local iprec = if prec_or_null != null then prec_or_null else 0;\n      local zp = if cflags.zero && !cflags.left then fw else 0;\n      if code.ctype == \'s\' then\n        std.toString(val)\n      else if code.ctype == \'d\' then\n        if std.type(val) != \'number\' then\n          error \'Format required number at \'\n                + i + \', got \' + std.type(val)\n        else\n          render_int(val, zp, iprec, cflags.blank, cflags.sign, 10, \'\')\n      else if code.ctype == \'o\' then\n        if std.type(val) != \'number\' then\n          error \'Format required number at \'\n                + i + \', got \' + std.type(val)\n        else\n          local zero_prefix = if cflags.alt then \'0\' else \'\';\n          render_int(val, zp, iprec, cflags.blank, cflags.sign, 8, zero_prefix)\n      else if code.ctype == \'x\' then\n        if std.type(val) != \'number\' then\n          error \'Format required number at \'\n                + i + \', got \' + std.type(val)\n        else\n          render_hex(val,\n                     zp,\n                     iprec,\n                     cflags.blank,\n                     cflags.sign,\n                     cflags.alt,\n                     code.caps)\n      else if code.ctype == \'f\' then\n        if std.type(val) != \'number\' then\n          error \'Format required number at \'\n                + i + \', got \' + std.type(val)\n        else\n          render_float_dec(val,\n                           zp,\n                           cflags.blank,\n                           cflags.sign,\n                           cflags.alt,\n                           true,\n                           fpprec)\n      else if code.ctype == \'e\' then\n        if std.type(val) != \'number\' then\n          error \'Format required number at \'\n                + i + \', got \' + std.type(val)\n        else\n          render_float_sci(val,\n                           zp,\n                           cflags.blank,\n                           cflags.sign,\n                           cflags.alt,\n                           true,\n                           code.caps,\n                           fpprec)\n      else if code.ctype == \'g\' then\n        if std.type(val) != \'number\' then\n          error \'Format required number at \'\n                + i + \', got \' + std.type(val)\n        else\n          local exponent = std.floor(std.log(std.abs(val)) / std.log(10));\n          if exponent < -4 || exponent >= fpprec then\n            render_float_sci(val,\n                             zp,\n                             cflags.blank,\n                             cflags.sign,\n                             cflags.alt,\n                             cflags.alt,\n                             code.caps,\n                             fpprec - 1)\n          else\n            local digits_before_pt = std.max(1, exponent + 1);\n            render_float_dec(val,\n                             zp,\n                             cflags.blank,\n                             cflags.sign,\n                             cflags.alt,\n                             cflags.alt,\n                             fpprec - digits_before_pt)\n      else if code.ctype == \'c\' then\n        if std.type(val) == \'number\' then\n          std.char(val)\n        else if std.type(val) == \'string\' then\n          if std.length(val) == 1 then\n            val\n          else\n            error \'%c expected 1-sized string got: \' + std.length(val)\n        else\n          error \'%c expected number / string, got: \' + std.type(val)\n      else\n        error \'Unknown code: \' + code.ctype;\n\n    // Render a parsed format string with an array of values.\n    local format_codes_arr(codes, arr, i, j, v) =\n      if i >= std.length(codes) then\n        if j < std.length(arr) then\n          error (\'Too many values to format: \' + std.length(arr) + \', expected \' + j)\n        else\n          v\n      else\n        local code = codes[i];\n        if std.type(code) == \'string\' then\n          format_codes_arr(codes, arr, i + 1, j, v + code) tailstrict\n        else\n          local tmp = if code.fw == \'*\' then {\n            j: j + 1,\n            fw: if j >= std.length(arr) then\n              error (\'Not enough values to format: \' + std.length(arr) + \', expected at least \' + j)\n            else\n              arr[j],\n          } else {\n            j: j,\n            fw: code.fw,\n          };\n          local tmp2 = if code.prec == \'*\' then {\n            j: tmp.j + 1,\n            prec: if tmp.j >= std.length(arr) then\n              error (\'Not enough values to format: \' + std.length(arr) + \', expected at least \' + tmp.j)\n            else\n              arr[tmp.j],\n          } else {\n            j: tmp.j,\n            prec: code.prec,\n          };\n          local j2 = tmp2.j;\n          local val =\n            if j2 < std.length(arr) then\n              arr[j2]\n            else\n              error (\'Not enough values to format: \' + std.length(arr) + \', expected more than \' + j2);\n          local s =\n            if code.ctype == \'%\' then\n              \'%\'\n            else\n              format_code(val, code, tmp.fw, tmp2.prec, j2);\n          local s_padded =\n            if code.cflags.left then\n              pad_right(s, tmp.fw, \' \')\n            else\n              pad_left(s, tmp.fw, \' \');\n          local j3 =\n            if code.ctype == \'%\' then\n              j2\n            else\n              j2 + 1;\n          format_codes_arr(codes, arr, i + 1, j3, v + s_padded) tailstrict;\n\n    // Render a parsed format string with an object of values.\n    local format_codes_obj(codes, obj, i, v) =\n      if i >= std.length(codes) then\n        v\n      else\n        local code = codes[i];\n        if std.type(code) == \'string\' then\n          format_codes_obj(codes, obj, i + 1, v + code) tailstrict\n        else\n          local f =\n            if code.mkey == null then\n              error \'Mapping keys required.\'\n            else\n              code.mkey;\n          local fw =\n            if code.fw == \'*\' then\n              error \'Cannot use * field width with object.\'\n            else\n              code.fw;\n          local prec =\n            if code.prec == \'*\' then\n              error \'Cannot use * precision with object.\'\n            else\n              code.prec;\n          local val =\n            if std.objectHasAll(obj, f) then\n              obj[f]\n            else\n              error \'No such field: \' + f;\n          local s =\n            if code.ctype == \'%\' then\n              \'%\'\n            else\n              format_code(val, code, fw, prec, f);\n          local s_padded =\n            if code.cflags.left then\n              pad_right(s, fw, \' \')\n            else\n              pad_left(s, fw, \' \');\n          format_codes_obj(codes, obj, i + 1, v + s_padded) tailstrict;\n\n    if std.isArray(vals) then\n      format_codes_arr(codes, vals, 0, 0, \'\')\n    else if std.isObject(vals) then\n      format_codes_obj(codes, vals, 0, \'\')\n    else\n      format_codes_arr(codes, [vals], 0, 0, \'\'),\n\n  foldr(func, arr, init)::\n    local aux(func, arr, running, idx) =\n      if idx < 0 then\n        running\n      else\n        aux(func, arr, func(arr[idx], running), idx - 1) tailstrict;\n    aux(func, arr, init, std.length(arr) - 1),\n\n  foldl(func, arr, init)::\n    local aux(func, arr, running, idx) =\n      if idx >= std.length(arr) then\n        running\n      else\n        aux(func, arr, func(running, arr[idx]), idx + 1) tailstrict;\n    aux(func, arr, init, 0),\n\n\n  filterMap(filter_func, map_func, arr)::\n    if !std.isFunction(filter_func) then\n      error (\'std.filterMap first param must be function, got \' + std.type(filter_func))\n    else if !std.isFunction(map_func) then\n      error (\'std.filterMap second param must be function, got \' + std.type(map_func))\n    else if !std.isArray(arr) then\n      error (\'std.filterMap third param must be array, got \' + std.type(arr))\n    else\n      std.map(map_func, std.filter(filter_func, arr)),\n\n  assertEqual(a, b)::\n    if a == b then\n      true\n    else\n      error \'Assertion failed. \' + a + \' != \' + b,\n\n  abs(n)::\n    if !std.isNumber(n) then\n      error \'std.abs expected number, got \' + std.type(n)\n    else\n      if n > 0 then n else -n,\n\n  sign(n)::\n    if !std.isNumber(n) then\n      error \'std.sign expected number, got \' + std.type(n)\n    else\n      if n > 0 then\n        1\n      else if n < 0 then\n        -1\n      else 0,\n\n  max(a, b)::\n    if !std.isNumber(a) then\n      error \'std.max first param expected number, got \' + std.type(a)\n    else if !std.isNumber(b) then\n      error \'std.max second param expected number, got \' + std.type(b)\n    else\n      if a > b then a else b,\n\n  min(a, b)::\n    if !std.isNumber(a) then\n      error \'std.max first param expected number, got \' + std.type(a)\n    else if !std.isNumber(b) then\n      error \'std.max second param expected number, got \' + std.type(b)\n    else\n      if a < b then a else b,\n\n  clamp(x, minVal, maxVal)::\n    if x < minVal then minVal\n    else if x > maxVal then maxVal\n    else x,\n\n  flattenArrays(arrs)::\n    std.foldl(function(a, b) a + b, arrs, []),\n\n  manifestIni(ini)::\n    local body_lines(body) =\n      std.join([], [\n        local value_or_values = body[k];\n        if std.isArray(value_or_values) then\n          [\'%s = %s\' % [k, value] for value in value_or_values]\n        else\n          [\'%s = %s\' % [k, value_or_values]]\n\n        for k in std.objectFields(body)\n      ]);\n\n    local section_lines(sname, sbody) = [\'[%s]\' % [sname]] + body_lines(sbody),\n          main_body = if std.objectHas(ini, \'main\') then body_lines(ini.main) else [],\n          all_sections = [\n      section_lines(k, ini.sections[k])\n      for k in std.objectFields(ini.sections)\n    ];\n    std.join(\'\\n\', main_body + std.flattenArrays(all_sections) + [\'\']),\n\n  escapeStringJson(str_)::\n    local str = std.toString(str_);\n    local trans(ch) =\n      if ch == \'\"\' then\n        \'\\\\\"\'\n      else if ch == \'\\\\\' then\n        \'\\\\\\\\\'\n      else if ch == \'\\b\' then\n        \'\\\\b\'\n      else if ch == \'\\f\' then\n        \'\\\\f\'\n      else if ch == \'\\n\' then\n        \'\\\\n\'\n      else if ch == \'\\r\' then\n        \'\\\\r\'\n      else if ch == \'\\t\' then\n        \'\\\\t\'\n      else\n        local cp = std.codepoint(ch);\n        if cp < 32 || (cp >= 127 && cp <= 159) then\n          \'\\\\u%04x\' % [cp]\n        else\n          ch;\n    \'\"%s\"\' % std.join(\'\', [trans(ch) for ch in std.stringChars(str)]),\n\n  escapeStringPython(str)::\n    std.escapeStringJson(str),\n\n  escapeStringBash(str_)::\n    local str = std.toString(str_);\n    local trans(ch) =\n      if ch == \"\'\" then\n        \"\'\\\"\'\\\"\'\"\n      else\n        ch;\n    \"\'%s\'\" % std.join(\'\', [trans(ch) for ch in std.stringChars(str)]),\n\n  escapeStringDollars(str_)::\n    local str = std.toString(str_);\n    local trans(ch) =\n      if ch == \'$\' then\n        \'$$\'\n      else\n        ch;\n    std.foldl(function(a, b) a + trans(b), std.stringChars(str), \'\'),\n\n  manifestJson(value):: std.manifestJsonEx(value, \'    \'),\n\n  manifestJsonEx(value, indent)::\n    local aux(v, path, cindent) =\n      if v == true then\n        \'true\'\n      else if v == false then\n        \'false\'\n      else if v == null then\n        \'null\'\n      else if std.isNumber(v) then\n        \'\' + v\n      else if std.isString(v) then\n        std.escapeStringJson(v)\n      else if std.isFunction(v) then\n        error \'Tried to manifest function at \' + path\n      else if std.isArray(v) then\n        local range = std.range(0, std.length(v) - 1);\n        local new_indent = cindent + indent;\n        local lines = [\'[\\n\']\n                      + std.join([\',\\n\'],\n                                 [\n                                   [new_indent + aux(v[i], path + [i], new_indent)]\n                                   for i in range\n                                 ])\n                      + [\'\\n\' + cindent + \']\'];\n        std.join(\'\', lines)\n      else if std.isObject(v) then\n        local lines = [\'{\\n\']\n                      + std.join([\',\\n\'],\n                                 [\n                                   [cindent + indent + std.escapeStringJson(k) + \': \'\n                                    + aux(v[k], path + [k], cindent + indent)]\n                                   for k in std.objectFields(v)\n                                 ])\n                      + [\'\\n\' + cindent + \'}\'];\n        std.join(\'\', lines);\n    aux(value, [], \'\'),\n\n  manifestYamlDoc(value, indent_array_in_object=false)::\n    local aux(v, path, cindent) =\n      if v == true then\n        \'true\'\n      else if v == false then\n        \'false\'\n      else if v == null then\n        \'null\'\n      else if std.isNumber(v) then\n        \'\' + v\n      else if std.isString(v) then\n        local len = std.length(v);\n        if len == 0 then\n          \'\"\"\'\n        else if v[len - 1] == \'\\n\' then\n          local split = std.split(v, \'\\n\');\n          std.join(\'\\n\' + cindent + \'  \', [\'|\'] + split[0:std.length(split) - 1])\n        else\n          std.escapeStringJson(v)\n      else if std.isFunction(v) then\n        error \'Tried to manifest function at \' + path\n      else if std.isArray(v) then\n        if std.length(v) == 0 then\n          \'[]\'\n        else\n          local params(value) =\n            if std.isArray(value) && std.length(value) > 0 then {\n              // While we could avoid the new line, it yields YAML that is\n              // hard to read, e.g.:\n              // - - - 1\n              //     - 2\n              //   - - 3\n              //     - 4\n              new_indent: cindent + \'  \',\n              space: \'\\n\' + self.new_indent,\n            } else if std.isObject(value) && std.length(value) > 0 then {\n              new_indent: cindent + \'  \',\n              // In this case we can start on the same line as the - because the indentation\n              // matches up then.  The converse is not true, because fields are not always\n              // 1 character long.\n              space: \' \',\n            } else {\n              // In this case, new_indent is only used in the case of multi-line strings.\n              new_indent: cindent,\n              space: \' \',\n            };\n          local range = std.range(0, std.length(v) - 1);\n          local parts = [\n            \'-\' + param.space + aux(v[i], path + [i], param.new_indent)\n            for i in range\n            for param in [params(v[i])]\n          ];\n          std.join(\'\\n\' + cindent, parts)\n      else if std.isObject(v) then\n        if std.length(v) == 0 then\n          \'{}\'\n        else\n          local params(value) =\n            if std.isArray(value) && std.length(value) > 0 then {\n              // Not indenting allows e.g.\n              // ports:\n              // - 80\n              // instead of\n              // ports:\n              //   - 80\n              new_indent: if indent_array_in_object then cindent + \'  \' else cindent,\n              space: \'\\n\' + self.new_indent,\n            } else if std.isObject(value) && std.length(value) > 0 then {\n              new_indent: cindent + \'  \',\n              space: \'\\n\' + self.new_indent,\n            } else {\n              // In this case, new_indent is only used in the case of multi-line strings.\n              new_indent: cindent,\n              space: \' \',\n            };\n          local lines = [\n            std.escapeStringJson(k) + \':\' + param.space + aux(v[k], path + [k], param.new_indent)\n            for k in std.objectFields(v)\n            for param in [params(v[k])]\n          ];\n          std.join(\'\\n\' + cindent, lines);\n    aux(value, [], \'\'),\n\n  manifestYamlStream(value, indent_array_in_object=false, c_document_end=true)::\n    if !std.isArray(value) then\n      error \'manifestYamlStream only takes arrays, got \' + std.type(value)\n    else\n      \'---\\n\' + std.join(\n        \'\\n---\\n\', [std.manifestYamlDoc(e, indent_array_in_object) for e in value]\n      ) + if c_document_end then \'\\n...\\n\' else \'\\n\',\n\n\n  manifestPython(v)::\n    if std.isObject(v) then\n      local fields = [\n        \'%s: %s\' % [std.escapeStringPython(k), std.manifestPython(v[k])]\n        for k in std.objectFields(v)\n      ];\n      \'{%s}\' % [std.join(\', \', fields)]\n    else if std.isArray(v) then\n      \'[%s]\' % [std.join(\', \', [std.manifestPython(v2) for v2 in v])]\n    else if std.isString(v) then\n      \'%s\' % [std.escapeStringPython(v)]\n    else if std.isFunction(v) then\n      error \'cannot manifest function\'\n    else if std.isNumber(v) then\n      std.toString(v)\n    else if v == true then\n      \'True\'\n    else if v == false then\n      \'False\'\n    else if v == null then\n      \'None\',\n\n  manifestPythonVars(conf)::\n    local vars = [\'%s = %s\' % [k, std.manifestPython(conf[k])] for k in std.objectFields(conf)];\n    std.join(\'\\n\', vars + [\'\']),\n\n  manifestXmlJsonml(value)::\n    if !std.isArray(value) then\n      error \'Expected a JSONML value (an array), got %s\' % std.type(value)\n    else\n      local aux(v) =\n        if std.isString(v) then\n          v\n        else\n          local tag = v[0];\n          local has_attrs = std.length(v) > 1 && std.isObject(v[1]);\n          local attrs = if has_attrs then v[1] else {};\n          local children = if has_attrs then v[2:] else v[1:];\n          local attrs_str =\n            std.join(\'\', [\' %s=\"%s\"\' % [k, attrs[k]] for k in std.objectFields(attrs)]);\n          std.deepJoin([\'<\', tag, attrs_str, \'>\', [aux(x) for x in children], \'</\', tag, \'>\']);\n\n      aux(value),\n\n  local base64_table = \'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\',\n  local base64_inv = { [base64_table[i]]: i for i in std.range(0, 63) },\n\n  base64(input)::\n    local bytes =\n      if std.isString(input) then\n        std.map(function(c) std.codepoint(c), input)\n      else\n        input;\n\n    local aux(arr, i, r) =\n      if i >= std.length(arr) then\n        r\n      else if i + 1 >= std.length(arr) then\n        local str =\n          // 6 MSB of i\n          base64_table[(arr[i] & 252) >> 2] +\n          // 2 LSB of i\n          base64_table[(arr[i] & 3) << 4] +\n          \'==\';\n        aux(arr, i + 3, r + str) tailstrict\n      else if i + 2 >= std.length(arr) then\n        local str =\n          // 6 MSB of i\n          base64_table[(arr[i] & 252) >> 2] +\n          // 2 LSB of i, 4 MSB of i+1\n          base64_table[(arr[i] & 3) << 4 | (arr[i + 1] & 240) >> 4] +\n          // 4 LSB of i+1\n          base64_table[(arr[i + 1] & 15) << 2] +\n          \'=\';\n        aux(arr, i + 3, r + str) tailstrict\n      else\n        local str =\n          // 6 MSB of i\n          base64_table[(arr[i] & 252) >> 2] +\n          // 2 LSB of i, 4 MSB of i+1\n          base64_table[(arr[i] & 3) << 4 | (arr[i + 1] & 240) >> 4] +\n          // 4 LSB of i+1, 2 MSB of i+2\n          base64_table[(arr[i + 1] & 15) << 2 | (arr[i + 2] & 192) >> 6] +\n          // 6 LSB of i+2\n          base64_table[(arr[i + 2] & 63)];\n        aux(arr, i + 3, r + str) tailstrict;\n\n    local sanity = std.foldl(function(r, a) r && (a < 256), bytes, true);\n    if !sanity then\n      error \'Can only base64 encode strings / arrays of single bytes.\'\n    else\n      aux(bytes, 0, \'\'),\n\n\n  base64DecodeBytes(str)::\n    if std.length(str) % 4 != 0 then\n      error \'Not a base64 encoded string \"%s\"\' % str\n    else\n      local aux(str, i, r) =\n        if i >= std.length(str) then\n          r\n        else\n          // all 6 bits of i, 2 MSB of i+1\n          local n1 = [base64_inv[str[i]] << 2 | (base64_inv[str[i + 1]] >> 4)];\n          // 4 LSB of i+1, 4MSB of i+2\n          local n2 =\n            if str[i + 2] == \'=\' then []\n            else [(base64_inv[str[i + 1]] & 15) << 4 | (base64_inv[str[i + 2]] >> 2)];\n          // 2 LSB of i+2, all 6 bits of i+3\n          local n3 =\n            if str[i + 3] == \'=\' then []\n            else [(base64_inv[str[i + 2]] & 3) << 6 | base64_inv[str[i + 3]]];\n          aux(str, i + 4, r + n1 + n2 + n3) tailstrict;\n      aux(str, 0, []),\n\n  base64Decode(str)::\n    local bytes = std.base64DecodeBytes(str);\n    std.join(\'\', std.map(function(b) std.char(b), bytes)),\n\n  reverse(arr)::\n    local l = std.length(arr);\n    std.makeArray(l, function(i) arr[l - i - 1]),\n\n  // Merge-sort for long arrays and naive quicksort for shorter ones\n  sortImpl(arr, keyF)::\n    local quickSort(arr, keyF=id) =\n      local l = std.length(arr);\n      if std.length(arr) <= 1 then\n        arr\n      else\n        local pos = 0;\n        local pivot = keyF(arr[pos]);\n        local rest = std.makeArray(l - 1, function(i) if i < pos then arr[i] else arr[i + 1]);\n        local left = std.filter(function(x) keyF(x) < pivot, rest);\n        local right = std.filter(function(x) keyF(x) >= pivot, rest);\n        quickSort(left, keyF) + [arr[pos]] + quickSort(right, keyF);\n\n    local merge(a, b) =\n      local la = std.length(a), lb = std.length(b);\n      local aux(i, j, prefix) =\n        if i == la then\n          prefix + b[j:]\n        else if j == lb then\n          prefix + a[i:]\n        else\n          if keyF(a[i]) <= keyF(b[j]) then\n            aux(i + 1, j, prefix + [a[i]]) tailstrict\n          else\n            aux(i, j + 1, prefix + [b[j]]) tailstrict;\n      aux(0, 0, []);\n\n    local l = std.length(arr);\n    if std.length(arr) <= 30 then\n      quickSort(arr, keyF=keyF)\n    else\n      local mid = std.floor(l / 2);\n      local left = arr[:mid], right = arr[mid:];\n      merge(std.sort(left, keyF=keyF), std.sort(right, keyF=keyF)),\n\n  sort(arr, keyF=id)::\n    std.sortImpl(arr, keyF),\n\n  uniq(arr, keyF=id)::\n    local f(a, b) =\n      if std.length(a) == 0 then\n        [b]\n      else if keyF(a[std.length(a) - 1]) == keyF(b) then\n        a\n      else\n        a + [b];\n    std.foldl(f, arr, []),\n\n  set(arr, keyF=id)::\n    std.uniq(std.sort(arr, keyF), keyF),\n\n  setMember(x, arr, keyF=id)::\n    // TODO(dcunnin): Binary chop for O(log n) complexity\n    std.length(std.setInter([x], arr, keyF)) > 0,\n\n  setUnion(a, b, keyF=id)::\n    // NOTE: order matters, values in `a` win\n    local aux(a, b, i, j, acc) =\n      if i >= std.length(a) then\n        acc + b[j:]\n      else if j >= std.length(b) then\n        acc + a[i:]\n      else\n        local ak = keyF(a[i]);\n        local bk = keyF(b[j]);\n        if ak == bk then\n          aux(a, b, i + 1, j + 1, acc + [a[i]]) tailstrict\n        else if ak < bk then\n          aux(a, b, i + 1, j, acc + [a[i]]) tailstrict\n        else\n          aux(a, b, i, j + 1, acc + [b[j]]) tailstrict;\n    aux(a, b, 0, 0, []),\n\n  setInter(a, b, keyF=id)::\n    local aux(a, b, i, j, acc) =\n      if i >= std.length(a) || j >= std.length(b) then\n        acc\n      else\n        if keyF(a[i]) == keyF(b[j]) then\n          aux(a, b, i + 1, j + 1, acc + [a[i]]) tailstrict\n        else if keyF(a[i]) < keyF(b[j]) then\n          aux(a, b, i + 1, j, acc) tailstrict\n        else\n          aux(a, b, i, j + 1, acc) tailstrict;\n    aux(a, b, 0, 0, []) tailstrict,\n\n  setDiff(a, b, keyF=id)::\n    local aux(a, b, i, j, acc) =\n      if i >= std.length(a) then\n        acc\n      else if j >= std.length(b) then\n        acc + a[i:]\n      else\n        if keyF(a[i]) == keyF(b[j]) then\n          aux(a, b, i + 1, j + 1, acc) tailstrict\n        else if keyF(a[i]) < keyF(b[j]) then\n          aux(a, b, i + 1, j, acc + [a[i]]) tailstrict\n        else\n          aux(a, b, i, j + 1, acc) tailstrict;\n    aux(a, b, 0, 0, []) tailstrict,\n\n  mergePatch(target, patch)::\n    if std.isObject(patch) then\n      local target_object =\n        if std.isObject(target) then target else {};\n\n      local target_fields =\n        if std.isObject(target_object) then std.objectFields(target_object) else [];\n\n      local null_fields = [k for k in std.objectFields(patch) if patch[k] == null];\n      local both_fields = std.setUnion(target_fields, std.objectFields(patch));\n\n      {\n        [k]:\n          if !std.objectHas(patch, k) then\n            target_object[k]\n          else if !std.objectHas(target_object, k) then\n            std.mergePatch(null, patch[k]) tailstrict\n          else\n            std.mergePatch(target_object[k], patch[k]) tailstrict\n        for k in std.setDiff(both_fields, null_fields)\n      }\n    else\n      patch,\n\n  objectFields(o)::\n    std.objectFieldsEx(o, false),\n\n  objectFieldsAll(o)::\n    std.objectFieldsEx(o, true),\n\n  objectHas(o, f)::\n    std.objectHasEx(o, f, false),\n\n  objectHasAll(o, f)::\n    std.objectHasEx(o, f, true),\n\n  equals(a, b)::\n    local ta = std.type(a);\n    local tb = std.type(b);\n    if !std.primitiveEquals(ta, tb) then\n      false\n    else\n      if std.primitiveEquals(ta, \'array\') then\n        local la = std.length(a);\n        if !std.primitiveEquals(la, std.length(b)) then\n          false\n        else\n          local aux(a, b, i) =\n            if i >= la then\n              true\n            else if a[i] != b[i] then\n              false\n            else\n              aux(a, b, i + 1) tailstrict;\n          aux(a, b, 0)\n      else if std.primitiveEquals(ta, \'object\') then\n        local fields = std.objectFields(a);\n        local lfields = std.length(fields);\n        if fields != std.objectFields(b) then\n          false\n        else\n          local aux(a, b, i) =\n            if i >= lfields then\n              true\n            else if local f = fields[i]; a[f] != b[f] then\n              false\n            else\n              aux(a, b, i + 1) tailstrict;\n          aux(a, b, 0)\n      else\n        std.primitiveEquals(a, b),\n\n\n  resolvePath(f, r)::\n    local arr = std.split(f, \'/\');\n    std.join(\'/\', std.makeArray(std.length(arr) - 1, function(i) arr[i]) + [r]),\n\n  prune(a)::\n    local isContent(b) =\n      if b == null then\n        false\n      else if std.isArray(b) then\n        std.length(b) > 0\n      else if std.isObject(b) then\n        std.length(b) > 0\n      else\n        true;\n    if std.isArray(a) then\n      [std.prune(x) for x in a if isContent($.prune(x))]\n    else if std.isObject(a) then {\n      [x]: $.prune(a[x])\n      for x in std.objectFields(a)\n      if isContent(std.prune(a[x]))\n    } else\n      a,\n\n  findSubstr(pat, str)::\n    if !std.isString(pat) then\n      error \'findSubstr first parameter should be a string, got \' + std.type(pat)\n    else if !std.isString(str) then\n      error \'findSubstr second parameter should be a string, got \' + std.type(str)\n    else\n      local pat_len = std.length(pat);\n      local str_len = std.length(str);\n      if pat_len == 0 || str_len == 0 || pat_len > str_len then\n        []\n      else\n        std.filter(function(i) str[i:i + pat_len] == pat, std.range(0, str_len - pat_len)),\n\n  find(value, arr)::\n    if !std.isArray(arr) then\n      error \'find second parameter should be an array, got \' + std.type(arr)\n    else\n      std.filter(function(i) arr[i] == value, std.range(0, std.length(arr) - 1)),\n}\n";