Closes the card.
Sign the computed digest using the key-pair for user authentication.
Closes the opened JPKI application.
Reads a certificate for user authentication.
If ca is true, reads a CA certificate instead.
Reads a certificate for signing.
PIN is required.
If ca is true, reads a CA certificate instead.
Sign the computed digest using the key-pair for signing.
Initiates the libjpki library.
Currently this occur no side effects, but it will be added in the future.
So dependents should call this before using other functions.
Returns the latest error occurred before calling this function.
If no error occurred before or failed to get the error, returns null pointer.
Creates a new card from the NFC card.
This is an abstraction layer to support other protocols rather than NFC in the future.
Opens JPKI application on the card.
Creates a new NFC card delegate from the function pointer.
This provided function will be called on transmitting APDU commands into the card.
Closes the NFC card.