Module josh::filter

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Filters are represented as git2::Oid, however they are not ever stored inside the repo.


Filter a single tree. This does not involve walking history and is thus fast in most cases.

Calculate the filtered commit for commit. This can take some time if done for the first time and thus should generally be done asynchronously.

Create a filter that is the result of feeding the output of first into second

Create a filter that is the result of overlaying the output of first onto second

Compute the warnings (filters not matching anything) for the filter applied to the tree

Get the potential leading comments from a workspace.josh as a string

Create a Filter from a string representation

Pretty print the filter on multiple lines with initial indentation level. Nested filters will be indented with additional 4 spaces per nesting level.

Compact, single line string representation of a filter so that parse(spec(F)) == F Note that this is will not be the best human readable representation. For that see pretty(...)

Calculate a tree with minimal differences from parent_tree such that apply(unapply(tree, parent_tree)) == tree