Crate iunorm

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This library facilitates mapping between floating-point numbers, normalized to some range, and (un)signed integers.

  • Inorm types are a new-type over signed integers that by default map to floating-point range of -1..1.
  • Unorm types are a new-type over unsigned integers that by default map to floating-point range of 0..1.

The by default mapping is used by the From/Into traits and the from_f32/to_f32 methods, and the equivalent f64 versions.

Additionally both Inorm & Unorm types can map from/to any custom floating-point range by using the from_f32_minmax/to_f32_minmax methods, and the equivalent f64 versions.


// default unsigned mapping `[0..1]`
assert_eq![Unorm32(u32::MIN), Unorm32::from_f32(0.0)];
assert_eq![Unorm32(u32::MAX / 2 + 1), Unorm32::from(0.5)];
assert_eq![Unorm32(u32::MAX), Unorm32::from(1.0)];
// and back
assert_relative_eq![0.0, Unorm32(u32::MIN).to_f32()];
assert_relative_eq![0.5, Unorm32(u32::MAX / 2).into(), max_relative = 1e-9];
assert_relative_eq![1.0, Unorm32(u32::MAX).into()];

// default signed mapping `[-1..1]`
assert_eq![Inorm16(i16::MIN), Inorm16::from_f32(-1.0)];
assert_eq![Inorm16(0), Inorm16::from(0.0)];
assert_eq![Inorm16(i16::MAX), Inorm16::from(1.0)];
// and back
assert_relative_eq![-1.0, Inorm16(i16::MIN).to_f32()];
assert_relative_eq![0.0, Inorm16(0).into(), max_relative = 1e-9];
assert_relative_eq![1.0, Inorm16(i16::MAX).into()];

Using custom ranges

// to unsigned from a `180..180`
assert_eq![Unorm8(u8::MIN), Unorm8::from_f32_minmax(-180.0, -180.0, 180.0)];
assert_eq![Unorm8(u8::MAX / 2), Unorm8::from_f32_minmax(0.0, -180.0, 180.0)];
assert_eq![Unorm8(u8::MAX), Unorm8::from_f32_minmax(180.0, -180.0, 180.0)];
// and back
assert_eq![-180.0, Unorm16(u16::MIN).to_f32_minmax(-180.0, 180.0)];
assert_eq![-0.002746582, Unorm16(u16::MAX / 2).to_f32_minmax(-180.0, 180.0)];
assert_eq![180.0, Unorm16(u16::MAX).to_f32_minmax(-180.0, 180.0)];

// to signed from a `0..360`
assert_eq![Inorm32(i32::MIN), Inorm32::from_f32_minmax(0.0, 0.0, 360.0)];
assert_eq![Inorm32(0), Inorm32::from_f32_minmax(180.0, 0.0, 360.0)];
assert_eq![Inorm32(i32::MAX), Inorm32::from_f32_minmax(360.0, 0.0, 360.0)];
// and back
assert_eq![0.0, Unorm64(u64::MIN).to_f32_minmax(0.0, 360.0)];
assert_eq![180.0, Unorm64(u64::MAX / 2).to_f32_minmax(0.0, 360.0)];
assert_eq![360.0, Unorm64(u64::MAX).to_f32_minmax(0.0, 360.0)];


A normalized number mapped to the range of an i8.
A normalized number mapped to the range of an i16.
A normalized number mapped to the range of an i32.
A normalized number mapped to the range of an i64.
A normalized number mapped to the range of an i128.
A normalized number mapped to the range of a u8.
A normalized number mapped to the range of a u16.
A normalized number mapped to the range of a u32.
A normalized number mapped to the range of a u64.
A normalized number mapped to the range of a u128.


Scales an f32 value in between [min..max] to a new range [a..b].
Scales an f64 value in between [min..max] to a new range [a..b].