Crate ittapi

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This library allows Rust programs to use Intel® Instrumentation and Tracing Technology (ITT) APIs. These APIs are declared by a static library, ittnotify, and dynamically used by performance collection tools (e.g.,, VTune Profiler).


The JIT (Just-In-Time) Profiling API provides functionality to report information about just-in-time generated code that can be used by performance tools. The Jit Rust structure is a high-level view of a subset of the full functionality available. See the [JIT Profiling API] for more information.


A domain enables tagging trace data for different modules or libraries in a program. See the Domain API documentation for more information.
See the Event API documentation.
String handles are ITT’s mechanism for efficiently naming objects. See the String Handle API documentation for more information.
A task is a logical unit of work performed by a particular thread. See the Task API documentation for more information.


Detach data collection.
Run the application without collecting data.
Resume data collection.