initSidebarItems({"fn":[["all","Test whether the predicate holds for all elements in the iterable."],["any","Test whether the predicate holds for any elements in the iterable."],["chain","Create an iterator that first iterates `i` and then `j`."],["enumerate","Iterate `iterable` with a running index."],["fold","Perform a fold operation over the iterable."],["interleave","Create an iterator that interleaves elements in `i` and `j`."],["join","Combine all iterator elements into one String, seperated by `sep`."],["max","Return the maximum value of the iterable."],["merge","Create an iterator that merges elements in `i` and `j`."],["min","Return the minimum value of the iterable."],["rev","Iterate `iterable` in reverse."],["sorted","Collect all the iterable's elements into a sorted vector in ascending order."],["zip","Iterate `i` and `j` in lock step."]]});