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ISO8601 Timestamp

This crate provides high-performance formatting and parsing routines for ISO8601 timestamps, primarily focused on UTC values but with support for parsing (and automatically applying) UTC Offsets.

The primary purpose of this is to keep the lightweight representation of timestamps within data structures, and only formatting it to a string when needed via Serde.

The Timestamp struct is only 12 bytes, while the formatted strings can be as large as 29 bytes, and care is taken to avoid heap allocations when formatting.


use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use smol_str::SmolStr; // stack-allocation for small strings
use iso8601_timestamp::Timestamp;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Event {
    name: SmolStr,
    ts: Timestamp,
    value: i32,

when serialized to JSON could result in:

    "name": "some_event",
    "ts": "2021-10-17T02:03:01Z",
    "value": 42

When serializing to non-human-readable formats, such as binary formats, the Timestamp will be written as an i64 representing milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. This way it only uses 8 bytes instead of 24.

Similarly, when deserializing, it supports either an ISO8601 string or an i64 representing a unix timestamp in milliseconds.


  • std (default)

    • Enables standard library features, such as getting the current time.
  • serde (default)

    • Enables serde implementations for Timestamp and TimestampStr
  • verify

    • Verifies numeric inputs when parsing and fails when non-numeric input is found.
    • When disabled, parsing ignores invalid input, possibly giving garbage timestamps.
  • nightly

    • Enables nightly-specific optimizations, but without it will fallback to workarounds to enable the same optimizations.
  • pg

    • Enables ToSql/FromSql implementations for Timestamp so it can be directly stored/fetched from a PostgreSQL database using rust-postgres
  • schema

    • Enables implementation for JsonSchema for generating a JSON schema on the fly using schemars.
  • bson

    • Enables visit_map implementation to handle deserialising BSON (MongoDB) DateTime format, { $date: string }.


Timestamp formats


UTC Timestamp with nanosecond precision, millisecond-precision when serialized to serde (JSON).

Fixed-size inline string storage that exactly fits the formatted timestamp