Module isla_cat::smt[][src]

This module implements the compilation from the high-order relation-algebra style expressions used by cat into first-order SMT definitions, where relations are represented as functions from Event × Event → Bool and sets are Event → Bool functions.



The SMTLIB2 format uses Lisp-style S-expressions. Here we represent only the subset of S-expressions required to represent the relational expressions used by the cat language.



Compile all the definitions in a cat model.


compile_rel(R, ev1, ev2) compiles the given expression in a Bool-typed S-expression representing (ev1,ev2)∈R. Returns None if the expression R does not denote a valid relation.


compile_set(S, ev) compiles the given expression into a Bool-kinded S-expression representing evS. Returns None if the expression S does not denote a valid set.


compile_toplevel compiles a toplevel expression into either a set or relation depending on its type. The event names are implicitly ev1 and ev2 for relations and ev1 for sets, which is why it is only valid at the toplevel.

Type Definitions


Event ids are u32 variables denoted in the generated SMTLIB as evX where X is a number greater than 0. The arguments to toplevel relations and sets are always ev1 and ev2.