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Define a type used for coordinates.

Define the coordinate concept. This will be used to parametrize all other geometric concepts.

Describe an interval of coordinates by a start value and an end value.

Loop over points/vertices.

Convert a polygon into an iterator over polygon segments.

Basic traits to get and set Kartesian coordinates of a point in the two-dimensional plane.

Concept of a point in the Euclidean plane.

Concept of a polygon which consists of a single closed loop of vertices.

Concept of a polygon with axis-aligned edges. The polygon consists of a single closed loop of vertices, i.e. has no holes.

Set of multiple polygons with axis-aligned edges.

Concept of a polygon with axis-aligned edges and holes.

Set of multiple polygons edges.

Concept of a polygon with holes.

Concept of an axis-aligned rectangle.

A polygon edge.