Crate ipnet [] [src]

Types for IPv4 and IPv6 network addresses.

This module provides types and methods for working with IPv4 and IPv6 network addresses. It aims for alignment with the IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, and Ipv6Addr types in Rust's standard library.

The module includes extension traits to add Add, Sub, BitAnd, and BitOr operations to Ipv4Addr and Ipv6Addr.


  • IpNet represents IP network addresses of either IPv4 or IPv6.
  • Ipv4Net and Ipv6Net are respectively IPv4 and IPv6 network addresses.
  • The IpAdd, IpSub, IpBitAnd, IpBitOr traits extend the Ipv4Addr and Ipv6Addr types to include these operations.
  • [ipv6_addr_from_emu128] and [ipv6_addr_into_emu128] functions convert the between the Ipv6Addr type and the emu128 type.
  • emu128 is an emulated 128 bit unsigned integer implemented in this module using a struct of two u64 types. This is necessary because Rust's u128 type is not yet marked stable. This can be replaced when u128 is stable.


  • Implement tests and complete documentation of IpNet, etc.
  • Convert subnets() and aggregate() methods to iterators?
  • Can we implement the std::ops::{Add, Sub, BitAnd, BitOr} traits for Ipv4Addr and Ipv6Addr in the standard library? These are common operations on IP addresses.
  • Explore the possibility of representing IP network addresses as a Range using Rust's RangeArgument trait. RangeArgument and many of the associated Range methods are still nightly-only experimental APIs.



An error which can be returned when parsing an IP network address.


An emulated 128 bit unsigned integer.


An IPv4 network address.


An IPv6 network address.



An IP network address, either IPv4 or IPv6.



Provides a saturating_add() method for Ipv4Addr and Ipv6Addr.


Provides a bitand() method for Ipv4Addr and Ipv6Addr.


Provides a bitor() method for Ipv4Addr and Ipv6Addr.


Provides a saturating_sub() method for Ipv4Addr and Ipv6Addr.