Crate ipfs_embed

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Ipfs embed is a small, fast and reliable ipfs implementation designed for embedding in to complex p2p applications.

let mut ipfs = Ipfs::<DefaultParams>::new(Config::default()).await?;


pub use libp2p::multiaddr;


convenience re-export of configuration types from libp2p
A node’s network identity keys.


An record in a prioritised list of addresses.
A handle for performing batch operations on an ipfs storage
A Key in the DHT keyspace with preserved preimage.
Ipfs configuration.
Default store parameters.
Ipfs node.
The (opaque) key of a record.
The ID of a single listener.
Representation of a Multiaddr.
Network configuration.
Identifier of a peer of the network.
A record either received by the given peer or retrieved from the local record store.
A record stored in the DHT.
Storage configuration.
A bitswap sync query.
a handle that contains a temporary pin


The “score” of an address w.r.t. an ordered collection of addresses.
The endpoint roles associated with an established peer-to-peer connection.
DNS configuration.
A quorum w.r.t. the configured replication factor specifies the minimum number of distinct nodes that must be successfully contacted in order for a query to succeed.
An event of a sync query.

Type Definitions

A Cid that contains a multihash with an allocated size of 512 bits.