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Related to handling of ‘storage’ of images.

When we want to do something useful with the ‘images’, we need to ‘mount’ those images to be able to work with those images. How the images can be ‘mounted’ is determined amongst other things by the underlying filesystem on which we want to mount the image. This involves, what is called as ‘applying’ the layer as described in layer specification.

Clearly this will be different for different file systems. We’ll initially support ‘overlay’ file-system.

This will be the layout of the directories

<~/.local/share/intmod>/storage//layers/ - This directory contains the layers of the image that are extracted. Each layer contains the directory below the path mentioned above for it’s digest <algorithm/hex-digest/> This is obtained from the root_fs.layers of the Image configuration.

<…/intmod/storage/mounts/ - The directory where the layers are mounted inside the mounts/ directory above the following layout is present per mount.

/ – This is ‘mount ID’ which will be container ID when the ‘mount’ corresponds to a container that is running or an ID generated when user issues a ‘mount’ command.

The above directory has Following two entries

rootfs/ - Directory that the container runtime will use as a root filesystem container.json - Optional / Empty file containing the runtime config (this may change.) if the ‘mount’ corresponds to a running container.

This module is responsible for handling all the storage related details (losely corresponds to ‘docker storage drivers’).


Functionality related to handling ‘overlay’ file-system