- Checkout
Details Request CheckoutDetailsRequest
Struct -Checkout
API- Checkout
Details Response CheckoutDetailsResponse
Struct -Checkout
API- Checkout
Request CheckoutRequest
Struct -CheckoutsAPI
- Checkout
Response CheckoutResponse
Struct -CheckoutsAPI
- CheckoutsAPI
struct implements methods for facilitating: Checkout Link API that allows you to generate a secure link that you can share with your customer to complete payment. Once the customer click on the link, IntaSend provides a guide on how to complete payment and notify both you and the customers on the status of the payment.- CollectionsAPI
struct implements methods for facilitating: Mpesa Express for merchant initiated online payments- Fund
Checkout Request FundCheckoutRequest
- Fund
Checkout Response FundCheckoutResponse
struct- Fund
Mpesa Request FundMpesaRequest
struct- Fund
Mpesa Response FundMpesaResponse
struct- Intasend
- IntaSend - The Unoffical Rust Client SDK for the Intasend API Gateway.
- Mpesa
StkPush Request MPesaSTKPushRequest
Struct -CollectionsAPI
- Mpesa
StkPush Response MpesaStkPushResponse
Struct -CollectionsAPI
- Payout
struct- Payout
Approval Request PayoutApprovalRequest
struct- Payout
Request PayoutRequest
struct- Payout
Request Transaction PayoutRequestTransaction
struct- Payout
Response Transaction PayoutResponseTransaction
struct- Payout
Status Request PayoutStatusRequest
struct- PayoutsAPI
struct implements methods for facilitating: Sending of funds to different recipients programatically.- Refund
struct- Refund
List Response RefundListResponse
struct- Refund
Request RefundRequest
struct- RefundsAPI
struct implements methods for facilitating: listing all refunds made by an entity, creating new refunds for specific transactions with its status completed, and also get a single specific refund made using thechargeback_id
- StkPush
Status Request StkPushStatusRequest
Struct -CollectionsAPI
- StkPush
Status Response StkPushStatusResponse
Struct -CollectionsAPI
- Transaction
struct- Wallet
struct- Wallet
Create Details WalletCreateDetails
struct- Wallet
Details Request WalletDetailsRequest
struct- Wallet
Intra Transfer Request WalletIntraTransferRequest
struct- Wallet
Intra Transfer Response WalletIntraTransferResponse
struct- Wallet
List Response WalletListResponse
struct- Wallet
Transactions Response WalletTransactionsResponse
struct- WalletsAPI
struct implements methods for facilitating: listing all wallets managed with an API key, get details of a specific wallet usingwallet_id
, create newWORKING
wallet types as sub-accounts for an associated IntaSend API key
- Checkout
Method Checkout
Options supported byIntasend
API Gateway- Currency
- Currencies supported by Intasend API Gateway
- Payout
Approval PayoutApproval
enum- Payout
Provider - Payout Provider Options supported by Intasend API Gateway
- Provider
enum - provided by IntaSend Checkout Options supported by Intasend API Gateway- Refund
Reason RefundReason
struct- Tarrif
- Tarrifs supported by IntaSend
- Transaction
Status TransactionStatus
enum- Transaction
Type TransactionType
enum- Wallet
Type WalletType