Module ink_e2e::sr25519

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An sr25519 keypair implementation.


  • Dev accounts, helpful for testing but not to be used in production, since the secret keys are known.


  • An sr25519 keypair implementation. While the API is slightly different, the logic for this has been taken from sp_core::sr25519 and we test against this to ensure conformity.
  • The public key for an Keypair key pair. This is equivalent to a Substrate AccountId32.
  • A signature generated by Keypair::sign(). These bytes are equivalent to a Substrate MultiSignature::sr25519(bytes).


  • An error handed back if creating a keypair fails.


  • Verify that some signature for a message was created by the owner of the PublicKey.

Type Definitions

  • Seed bytes used to generate a key pair.