Module ink::storage::traits

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  • Auto key type means that the storage key should be calculated automatically.
  • Manual key type specifies the storage key.
  • Resolver key type selects between preferred key and autogenerated key. If the L type is AutoKey it returns auto-generated R else L.


  • Automatically returns the type that should be used for storing the value.
  • Trait for describing types that can be read and written to storage while all fields occupy only a single storage cell.
  • Trait for representing types which can be read and written to storage.
  • Describes the type that should be used for storing the value and preferred storage key.
  • Holds storage key for the type.
  • Implemented by types that have a storage layout.


  • Decode and consume all of the given input data.

Derive Macros§

  • Derives ink::storage’s Storable trait for the given struct, enum or union.
  • Derives ink::storage’s StorableHint trait for the given struct or enum.
  • Derives ink::storage’s StorageKey trait for the given struct or enum.
  • Derives ink::storage’s StorageLayout trait for the given struct or enum.