Module infinitree::index

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§Working with the index of an Infinitree.

Infinitree recognizes two kinds of objects that appear on the storage medium: index, and data. From the outside, they’re indistinguishible, but they work quite differently.

Data objects are individually encrypted pieces of data with a changing key. A ChunkPointer uniquely identifies a data chunk within the object pool, and you need to track these somehow.

Index objects are basically encrypted LZ4 streams layed out across multiple blobs. These LZ4 streams are produced by serializing collections that are tracked by a struct which implements the Index trait.

Having an Index for you Infinitree is essential, unless you plan to track your data using other means.

§Efficient use of indexes

An index can have multiple fields, which are collections or other serializable data structures.

use infinitree::{
    fields::{Serialized, VersionedMap},
use serde::{Serialize,Deserialize};

struct BigStruct;

#[derive(Index, Default, Clone)]
pub struct Measurements {

    // Anything implementing `serde::Serialize` can be used
    // through a proxy, and stored either in the index, or in the
    // object pool through `SparseField`
    last_time: Serialized<usize>,

    // only store the keys in the index, not the values
    #[infinitree(strategy = "infinitree::fields::SparseField")]
    measurements: VersionedMap<usize, BigStruct>,

A crucial detail in choosing the right indexing strategy is exactly how much data do you want to store in index objects.

It is possible to use a SparseField serialization strategy for most collections provided in the base library. By storing large data in the data object pool instead of index objects that are linearly read and deserialized, you can achieve measurable performance increase for certain use cases.


  • Allows deserializing an infinite collection by reading records one by one.
  • Allows serializing individual records of an infinite collection.
  • Any structure that is usable as an Index
  • Marker trait for contiguous write operations.