Module indyrs::wallet[][src]


Create a new non-secret record in the wallet

Add new tags to the wallet record

Closes opened wallet and frees allocated resources.

Close wallet search (make search handle invalid)

Creates a new secure wallet with the given unique name.

Deletes created wallet.

Delete an existing wallet record in the wallet

Delete tags from the wallet record

Exports opened wallet

Fetch next records for wallet search.

Generate wallet master key. Returned key is compatible with “RAW” key derivation method. It allows to avoid expensive key derivation for use cases when wallet keys can be stored in a secure enclave.

Get an wallet record by id

Creates a new secure wallet with the given unique name and then imports its content according to fields provided in import_config This can be seen as an create call with additional content import

Opens the wallet with specific name.

Search for wallet records.

Registers custom wallet implementation.

Update a non-secret wallet record tags

Update a non-secret wallet record value