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Defines a trait to associate values to an enum


  • Allows to get a value from an enum’s variant, where this enum implements Indexed, for example, having the following implementation:


  • Gives the value corresponding for a variant of an enum marked with #[repr(usize)], this is an O(1) operation as it just gets the value as a copy from Valued::VALUES
  • Gives the value corresponding for a variant of an enum marked with #[repr(usize)], this is an O(1) operation as it just gets the value as a copy from Valued::VALUES
  • Gives the value corresponding for a variant of an enum marked with #[repr(usize)] and implementing the Valued trait, this is an O(1) operation as it just gets a reference to the value as a copy.
  • Gives the value corresponding for a variant of an enum marked with #[repr(usize)] and implementing the Valued trait, this is an O(1) operation as it just gets a reference to the value as a copy.