Macro index_vec::define_index_type[][src]

macro_rules! define_index_type {
    ($(#[$attrs : meta]) * $v : vis struct $type : ident = $raw : ident ;
 $($CONFIG_NAME : ident = $value : expr ;) * $(;) ?) => { ... };
Expand description

Generate the boilerplate for a newtyped index struct, for use with IndexVec.

In the future, if the compile-time overhead of doing so is reduced, this may be replaced with a proc macro.



The rough usage pattern of this macro is:

index_vec::define_index_type! {
    // Note that isn't actually a type alias, `MyIndex` is
    // actually defined as a struct. XXX is this too confusing?
    pub struct MyIndex = u32;
    // optional extra configuration here of the form:
    // `OPTION_NAME = stuff;`
    // See below for details.

Note that you can use other index types than u32, and you can set it to be MyIndex(pub u32) as well. Currently, the wrapped item be a tuple struct, however (patches welcome).


After the struct declaration, there are a number of configuration options the macro uses to customize how the type it generates behaves. For example:

index_vec::define_index_type! {
    pub struct Span = u32;

    // Don't allow any spans with values higher this.
    MAX_INDEX = 0x7fff_ff00;

    // But I also am not too worried about it, so only
    // perform the asserts in debug builds.
    DISABLE_MAX_INDEX_CHECK = cfg!(not(debug_assertions));

Configuration options

This macro has a few ways you can customize it’s output behavior. There’s not really any great syntax I can think of for them, but, well.

MAX_INDEX = <expr producing usize>

Assert if anything tries to construct an index above that value.

By default, this is $raw_type::max_value() as usize, e.g. we check that our cast from usize to our wrapper is lossless, but we assume any all instance of $raw_type is valid in this index domain.

Note that these tests can be disabled entirely, or conditionally, with DISABLE_MAX_INDEX_CHECK. Additionally, the generated type has from_usize_unchecked and from_raw_unchecked functions which can be used to ignore these checks.


Set to true to disable the assertions mentioned above. False by default.

To be clear, if this is set to false, we blindly assume all casts between usize and $raw_type succeed.

A common use is setting DISABLE_MAX_INDEX_CHECK = !cfg!(debug_assertions) to avoid the tests at compile time

For the sake of clarity, disabling this cannot lead to memory unsafety – we still go through bounds checks when accessing slices, and no unsafe code should rely on on these checks (unless you write some, and don’t! only use this for correctness!).

DEFAULT = <expr>;

If provided, we’ll implement Default for the index type using this expresson.


index_vec::define_index_type! {
    pub struct MyIdx = u16;
    MAX_INDEX = (u16::max_value() - 1) as usize;
    // Set the default index to be an invalid index, as
    // a hacky way of having this type behave somewhat
    // like it were an Option<MyIdx> without consuming
    // extra space.
    DEFAULT = (MyIdx::from_raw_unchecked(u16::max_value()));

DEBUG_FORMAT = <expr>;

By default we write the underlying integer out in a Debug implementation with {:?}. Sometimes you’d like more info though. For example, the type of the index. This can be done via DEBUG_FORMAT:

index_vec::define_index_type! {
    struct FooIdx = usize;
    DEBUG_FORMAT = "Foo({})";
// Then ...
let v = FooIdx::new(10);
assert_eq!("Foo(10)", format!("{:?}", v));


Similarly to DEBUG_FORMAT, we can implement Display for you. Unlike DEBUG_FORMAT, if you do not set this, we will not implement Display for the index type.

index_vec::define_index_type! {
    struct FooIdx = usize;
    DISPLAY_FORMAT = "{}";
    // Note that you can use both DEBUG_FORMAT and DISPLAY_FORMAT.
    DEBUG_FORMAT = "#<foo {}>";
// Then ...
let v = FooIdx::new(10);
assert_eq!("10", format!("{}", v));
assert_eq!("#<foo 10>", format!("{:?}", v));


We always automatically implement From<usize> for YourIndex and From<YourIndex> for usize. We don’t do this for the “raw” type (e.g. u32 if your type is declared as struct FooIdx = u32;), unless you request it via this option. It’s an error to use this if your raw type is usize.

index_vec::define_index_type! {
    struct FooIdx = u32;

let as_index = FooIdx::from(5u32);
let as_u32 = u32::from(as_index);
assert_eq!(as_u32, 5);