[][src]Macro index_fixed::index_fixed

macro_rules! index_fixed {
    (&mut $s:expr ;  .. $e:expr) => { ... };
    (&mut $s:expr ; $b:expr , ... $e:expr) => { ... };
    (&mut $s:expr ; $b:expr , .. $e:expr) => { ... };
    (& $s:expr ; .. $e:expr) => { ... };
    (& $s:expr ; $b:expr , ... $e:expr) => { ... };
    (& $s:expr ; $b:expr , .. $e:expr) => { ... };

Slices (via the Index trait & operation) into fixed size arrays

Will panic with the same rules as normal slicing.

Will not compile if bounds are not static.

Will not compile if end bound proceeds start bound.


index_fixed! ( {&,&mut} <slice> ; .. <end>)
index_fixed! ( {&,&mut} <slice> ; <start> , .. <end>)
index_fixed! ( {&,&mut} <slice> ; <start> , ... <end>)


extern crate index_fixed;

fn main() {
  let my_slice = [1, 2, 3, 4];
  let slice_of_2 = index_fixed!(&my_slice ; .. 2);
  assert_eq!(slice_of_2, &my_slice[..2]);